Version 0.4d (beta)
Anyone who has run a WordPress site for more than a few weeks knows that 95% of all site registrations typically come from spammers. When they can't get a comment approved, they just sit in the database, clogging up the works.
We call these folks Zombie users, and they're coming for your brains.
This is a plugin designed to do one thing: clean up zombie users.
If you have a WordPress site with lots spammer registrations, this plugin will delete any user who has never had a post or comment approved. Zombie Users... BRAAAAINS.
[Download the Clean Up Zombie Users (spammers)] 1 plugin here This is the mirrored GIT for development. Official releases are all handled by the WP repo.
- Target specific user roles for deletion based on whether they have ever posted or commented
- Includes a test mode to see what the results will be
- Includes the ability to delete users in chunks, for large sites.
- Allow newer users to be excluded
- Build in logic for all major e-commerce plugins so that paying customers can't be pruned
- Boolean values don't really need to be sanitized, but we're going to do it anyway
- Save selections as session data between submit & results
- Need to make the entire introductory message change after a post
- Need to put the deleted users list into a scrolling DIV
- Investigate AJAX updates as the plugin works
- Investigate the ability to protect users without changing their roles
- Investigate the ability to line-item delete users, or remove them from the operation
- Upload "test-plugin.php" to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the \Plugins\ menu in WordPress.
- Visit the options page in your administrative settings and get cleaning
= 0.4d =
- Properly sanitized the text field for limiting results
= 0.4c =
- Broke up the plugin into smaller files for greater readability
- Properly enqueued styles & scripts
= 0.4b =
- Fixed the undefined index in dynamic variables on lines 71 and 72.
- Fixed a jQuery mistake in the confirmation conditional
- Plugin now 100% error free in testing.
= 0.4a =
- Fixed the has_cap warning by changing "8" to "manage_options" in option page permissions