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Brian Wandell edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 7 revisions

Initiate a remote data object using the command

rd = RdtClient('isetbio');

The rd client provides you access to download data from the repository.

The rd object contains basic information

rd = 
  repositoryName:     isetbio
  workingRemotePath:  Root
  username:           guest
  password:           ****
  verbosity:          0

The RdtClient class implements a set of methods for interacting with the database, that are described in Methods.

As an example, you might try running


to check that the URLs in the object are correct. To learn about downloading data, listing remote data, and so forth, continue on to the Downloading (ISETBIO) page and the other pages in this Wiki.


Most people only use the site for downloading and don't need a password.

If you need to upload to the site, contact one of us for permission. To login, we use
