All JAVA concurrency constructs with notes/references and implementation Concurrency vs. Parallelism, Thread safety
- 1.1 Context switches, task scheduling, Thread stack
- 1.2 Race conditions and Locks
- 1.3 Reentrant locks and Thread safety measures.
Volatile, Monitors, Thread Synchronization and signaling
- 2.1 Memory visibility issues
- 2.2 Busy waiting vs wait/notify
- 2.3 Challenging Exercises, Problem-solving with threads
Deadlocks, Producer Consumer problem, Dining Philosophers problem
- 3.1 Deadlock, Livelock
- 3.2 Coding Dining Philosophers problem, Producer Consumer problem and its variants
Explicit Locks, ReadWrite Locks Blocking Queues, Synchronizers
- 4.1 Thread safe Data structures, Hand over Hand locking
- 4.2 Creating our own locks and ensuring reentrancy
- 4.3 Latch, Semaphore, FutureTask, Barrier
Thread Pool, Executor Service, Non Blocking Algorithms
- 5.1 Building our own thread pool, understanding Executor Service.
- 5.2 Exercises and Problem-solving, Building a thread-safe hashmap, lock-striping.
- 5.3 Atomic Data Types
Java MultiThreading for Senior Engineer Interviews: The Basics -> Java Memory Model -> Java Concurrency Reference -> MultiThreading in JAVA -> Interview Practice Problems
Java Concurrency Reference:
- Creating Threads:
- Runnable Interface
We need to tell the thread what task to execute. The code can be provided as an object of a class that implements the Runnable interface. As the name implies, the interface forces the implementing class to provide a run method which in turn is invoked by the thread when it starts. The runnable interface is the basic abstraction to represent a logical task in Java.
- Subclassing Thread class
The con of the second approach is that one is forced to extend the Thread class which limits code’s flexibility.
- Runnable Interface
In java, two ways to create a thread:
- Extend Thread class
// if you extend Thread, you cannot extend any other class by MyThread, JAVA doesn't allow // subclass of only one class public class MyThread extends Thread { public myThread(String threadName) { super(threadName); } @Override public void run() { // write what logic to run for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()); // currentThread() gives current instance of MyThread } } } public class MultiThreading { public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread mtobject = new MyThread("thread1"); mtobject.start(); // to run() in separate thread apart from Main } }
- Implements runnable interface
public class MyThread implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // write what logic to run } } public class MultiThreading { public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread mtt = new MyThread(); Thread mt = new Thread(mtt); // mtt is Runnable // Main is parent thread and mt is child thread // up to mercy of JVM to run mt.setDaemon(true); // mt is a daemon thread, if main or all other user threads stops executing, mt might not continue working mt.start(); // to run() in separate thread apart from Main, there is some time gap between calling start() and actual run() by JVM internally mt.join(); // stop executing the Main thread until mt completes mt.isAlive(); // check if mt is still alive (not completed) // using Lambda's Thread mt2 = new Thread(()->{ // body of run() method being passed as parameter for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { System.out.println(i); } }).start(); } }
Synchronization and its importance:
- Threads share same memory space i.e. they can share resource (object)
- Desirable situation - only one thread should access a shared resource at a time
- e.g. BookMyShow - remainingSeats
- avoid race condition -> where one thread reads and books some seat
- meanwhile other thread read old data and also called book() but till now first thread has already booked
- e.g. BookMyShow - remainingSeats
- e.g. Design Stack being accessed by multiple threads
- How to synchronize static methods?
- we synchronize on the class lock, since static means there is no object so no concept of this
- Singleton pattern e.g.
Note: Non-Synchronized methods can be called by any thread at any point in time.public class TVSet { private static volatile TVSet instance = null; public TVSet() { System.out.println("tv set instantiated"); } public static TVSet getInstance() { if(instance == null) { synchronized (TVSet.class) { if(instance == null) { // double checking instance = new TVSet(); } } } return instance; } public static synchronized boolean doWork() { // in static synchronized methods, behind the scenes synchronized(TVSet.class) return true; } }
- Race Condition:
- When two or more threads try to access/update same index in stack, leaving it in undefined/inconsistent state.
Thread State Transitions: ![thread states](./Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 10.59.16 AM.png)
![thread transitions](./Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 11.03.22 AM.png)
![running and yielding](./Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 11.19.47 AM.png)
- yield() is an advisory method (not guaranteed immediately) to JVM to move thread from running to ready-to-run state.
![sleep and interrupted exception](./Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 11.22.50 AM.png)
- whenever we are calling sleep() method we need to enclose it in interrupted exception, whenever it gets chance to execute/run it will throw interrupted exception.
- when thread is sleeping, it does not let go of lock
![waiting and notifying](./Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 11.24.41 AM.png)
- when thread is waiting, it lets go of lock
- thread only relinquishes lock on object on which wait method was invoked
- threads waiting for notify from object are grouped, because those threads use object.wait()