This Interest Group is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving it, please contact [email protected]
As of June 1, 2017, this interest group has been reconvened and meetings will start shortly.
- Rosie Le Faive (University of Prince Edward Island)
- Favenzio Calvo (Florida State University)
- Co-conveners welcome!
- The name of this Islandora Interest Group is the Islandora UI Interest Group (IUIIG)
- The purpose of the Islandora UI Interest Group is to help shape and design the Islandora user experience.
- The IUIIG, as of June 2017, will focus exclusively on the “CLAW” (Fedora 4/Drupal 8) stack.
- Specific goals, activities, and outcomes may include:
- Identifying common frustrations or hurdles to ease of use
- Proposing solutions as bug/documentation/feature tickets on Github
- Organizing codesprints to implement these improvements across the Islandora codebase
- Improving and documenting the accessibility of Islandora out of the box
- The interest group will meet once a month virtually (eg. via Skype)
- The conveners will produce a report to be submitted to the Islandora Roadmap Committee following the IUIIG's meetings.
- Meeting times will be determined by an initial Doodle poll, and will meet regularly after that.
- Rosie Le Faive (UPEI)
- Favenzio Calvo (FSU)
- Don Richards (UTK)
- (want to join? Add your name in a Pull Request or contact a convener)