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An introduction to language design through building a compiler frontend and completing a self-paced exercise on top of LLVM.

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A simple programming language implementation with an educational guide that displays modern compiler techniques.

Getting Started

This guide assumes that the project is being built on Linux* but equivalent steps can be performed on any other operating system.

  1. Install CMake 3.20 or newer

    • apt-get install cmake
  2. Install LLVM and Clang

    • The project was originally built for LLVM 14.0.0. Other versions are not guaranteed to work.
    • apt-get install llvm clang
  3. Create a build directory and enter that directory

    • mkdir build && cd build
  4. Configure CMake and build the project

    • cmake path/to/repo/root && cmake --build .

To run the tests, proceed with these following optional steps.

  1. Install Python 3.10 or newer

    • apt-get install python
  2. Install the required dependencies

    • pip install -r ./test/requirements.txt
  3. Run the check target with CMake

    • cmake --build . --target check

* tested on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS


Clean Syntax

Unambiguous, modern and easy to parse syntax with elements inspired by C, Kotlin, Rust and Swift.

fn main(): void {

Static Type System

Simple type system currently supporting the number and void types with the capability to be expanded by user-defined types.

The number type is implemented as a 64-bit floating point value.

fn main(): void {
    let x: number = 1234;
    let y: number = 12.34;

Lazy Initialization

Data-flow analysis based support for detecting lazily initialized and uninitialized variables.

fn dataFlowAnalysis(n: number): void {
    let uninit: number;

    if n > 3 {
        uninit = 1;

main.yl:8:13: error: 'uninit' is not initialized

Naive Type Inference

When a variable is initialized, the type specifier can be omitted as the type is inferred from the initializer.

fn main(): void {
    let typeInference = 1; 


Immutable and mutable variables declared with the let and var keywords.

fn main(): void {
    let immutable = 1;
    var mutable = 2;

    while mutable > 2 {
      immutable = 0;
      mutable = mutable - 1;
main.yl:6:7: error: 'immutable' cannot be mutated

Compile Time Expression Evaluation

Expressions are evaluated by a tree-walk interpreter during compilation if possible.

fn main(): void {
    let x = (1 + 2) * 3 - -4;
$ compiler main.yl -res-dump

ResolvedFunctionDecl: @(main.addr) main:
    ResolvedCallExpr: @(println.addr) println
      ResolvedDeclRefExpr: @(x.addr) x
      | value: 13

Smart Return Check

Flow-sensitive return value analysis made smarter with compile time expression evaluation.

fn maybeReturns(n: number): number {
    if n > 2 {
        return 1;
    } else if n < -2 {
        return -1;

    // missing return 'else' branch

fn alwaysReturns(n: number): number {
    if 0 && n > 2 {
        // unreachable
    } else {
        return 0;
main.yl:1:1: error: non-void function doesn't return a value on every path

Native Code Generation

A source file is first compiled to LLVM IR, which is then passed to the host platform specific LLVM backend to generate a native executable.

fn main(): void {
$ compiler main.yl -o main.out
$ ./main.out 

Accessible Internals

Capability to print the Abstract Syntax Tree before and after resolution, the Control-Flow Graph and the generated LLVM IR module.

fn main(): void {
$ compiler main.yl -ast-dump

FunctionDecl: main:void
      DeclRefExpr: println
      NumberLiteral: '1.23'
$ compiler main.yl -res-dump

ResolvedFunctionDecl: @(main.addr) main:
    ResolvedCallExpr: @(println.addr) println
      ResolvedNumberLiteral: '1.23'
      | value: 1.23
$ compiler main.yl -cfg-dump

[2 (entry)]
  succs: 1 

  preds: 2 
  succs: 0 
  ResolvedNumberLiteral: '1.23'
  | value: 1.23
  ResolvedCallExpr: @(println.addr) println
    ResolvedNumberLiteral: '1.23'
    | value: 1.23

[0 (exit)]
  preds: 1 
$ compiler main.yl -llvm-dump

define void @__builtin_main() {
  call void @println(double 1.230000e+00)
  ret void