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@fasterthanlime fasterthanlime released this 07 Nov 17:55
· 695 commits to master since this release

This release contains macOS compatibility fixes, Software License Agreement support, improved logging and bug fixes.

  • DMG files are now always downloaded to disk, then extracted with hdiutil. This adds support for uncommon DMG filesystems (like ISO9660), APFS filesystems (which 7-zip didn't support)
  • Any software license agreement (~EULA) contained in a .dmg file will now be extracted and shown on launch until it is accepted. Cancelling the launch does not accept the license. So you can accept it or uninstall the software. (This was tested with Game Dev Tycoon and Aseprite).
  • A lot more operations are now logged in the application log file (appdata/logs/itch.txt). This should hopefully help pinpoint issues with third-party Antivirus software and API access issues.
  • A bug where if an Antivirus prevented installing dependencies (like butler and itch-setup), the app would stay stuck in "Finishing installation..." forever has been fixed. It now detects and reports the error.
  • Logs for the whole setup phase are now collected in memory and can be sent via the feedback form.
  • Various additional places let you send feedback with logs / error details attached
  • Communication with butler has been switched from HTTP to TCP, among with other changes, which fixes a bug where when the itch app updated butler and switched over to the new version, the old version would keep running, and there were two download drivers. As a result, the Downloads window could appear stuck, and operations were done twice behind the scenes.
  • Pages with very long names were displayed poorly in the app, @porglezomp helped fix this!