Horloge is a Pomodoro-style timer, aiming at improving your work productivity.
- Includes a simple single-session timer
- [not implemented] Breaks your work sessions down into smaller work-slots and break-slots of custom durations
- [not implemented] Uses native system notifications to let the user know when a session ends or start (with node-notifier)
- [not implemented] System notifications can be disabled. If so, all output is written to the terminal in which Horloge has been started.
- [not implemented] A time session can be pause or reinitialized at any time.
- [not implemented] The program can be run as a daemon (in the background) or as a command line application attached to the terminal.
[ Comming soon ]
Pull request are welcome and should follow the following requirements:
- Your code is directly related to a ticket from our issue board and that ticket is linked in the pull request description
- Code is written in accordance to the Airbnb Javascript style guide
- Code as been parsed by the linter with
npm run lint
before each pull request
Also, people with no prior experience with commander.js or eslint should look at the following resources:
- [http://eslint.org/docs/rules/](eslint reference): the exhaustive lint of eslint rules with code examples
- Writing command line applications in Node.js: a brief guide to help you get started
[ Comming soon ]