To install the project, you need to require it in your project composer.json
file (adapt with version you need on your project).
"require": {
"itkg/itkg-data-reference-bundle": "~1.1"
As the project is not published on packagist
you need to complete the repositories
section :
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Once the bundle is installed, enable it in the AppKernel.php
file :
new Itkg\ReferenceModelBundle\ItkgReferenceModelBundle(),
new Itkg\ReferenceApiBundle\ItkgReferenceApiBundle(),
new Itkg\ReferenceBundle\ItkgReferenceBundle(),
Then configure grunt to compile the bundles assets.
In the grunt/app_config.js
file, add the bundle's Grunt targets:
module.exports = {
targetsDir: [
Add the concatenation task in the grunt/tasks/javascript_task.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'Main project task to generate javascripts',
And in the main concatenation file grunt/targets/concat.all_js.js
module.exports = {
src: [