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danbim edited this page Jul 20, 2011 · 2 revisions

An instance of the SimpleGlobalInformation plugin writes some predefined statistical information on the right side of the screen.

Each visible instance of a SimpleGlobalInformation plugin displays the number of packets that have been sent in the network since the instance is active. The next default parameters are the numbers of packets, that have been received and computed during several periods. PPS means packets per second. The three values afterwards represent the mean number of packets per second during the last second, the last 30 seconds and the last 60 seconds This values will always be shown and can not be configured.

The display of some standard information can be directly activated by selecting the appropriate box at the bottom of the preference page (see image below). These standard informations are the number of nodes in the network and the average node degree, i.e. the mean number of neighbors. For this reason there must be one or more semantic type(s) defined, that contain the neighborhood information (see Packet Format and Packet Types).

The table in the middle of the preference page is for the configuration of some specific statistical information. Each row in this table belongs to one statistial value. In the example configuration the packets of semantic type 20 contain a temperature value of type uint8 at the beginning of the packets payload (offset 19). This data is used to compute some statistics on it. Possible operations are "sum", "minimum", "maximum", "average" and "median".

The image above shows an active instance of the SimpleGlobalInformation plugin together with an active MapPainter. As the MapPainter draws a map from the temperatures, the SimpleGlobalInformation instance computes some statistics on the same data.

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