A tool to decrypt Apple Music's music. An active subscription is still needed.
Only support Linux x86_64 and arm64.
Get the pre-built version from this project's Actions.
Or you can refer to the Actions configuration file for compilation.
Available for x86_64 and arm64. Need to download prebuilt version from releases or actions.
Build image: docker build --tag wrapper .
Login: docker run -v ./rootfs/data:/app/rootfs/data -p 10020:10020 -e args="-L username:password -F -H" wrapper
Run: docker run -v ./rootfs/data:/app/rootfs/data -p 10020:10020 -e args="-H" wrapper
Usage: wrapper [OPTION]...
-h, --help Print help and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit
-H, --host=STRING (default=`')
-D, --decrypt-port=INT (default=`10020')
-M, --m3u8-port=INT (default=`20020')
-P, --proxy=STRING (default=`')
-L, --login=STRING (username:password)
-F, --code-from-file (default=off)
- Anonymous, for providing the original version of this project and the legacy Frida decryption method.
- chocomint, for providing support for arm64 arch.