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Installation of Tomcat9 and Mysql configuration on ubuntu 20

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1.0 Configuration to run OpenMRS and KenyaEMR

Installation of Tomcat9, Java8 and Mysql configuration on ubuntu 20.04

1.1 Installing Java8 on ubuntu

first, Before anything check if you have any java version install on the ubuntu machine or server before installing it.

1.1.0 To open terminal

  ctrl + alt + t 

1.1.1 Check for any Java Versions

  sudo update-alternatives --config java

1.1.2 Uninstall the java version present part from java 8

  sudo apt-get remove <package_name>

1.1.3 To remove the configuration files of unwanted java<version>

  sudo apt-get purge <java_version>

1.1.4 Finally, you can check if the Java version has been completely removed

  java -version

1.1.5 Update the ubuntu Package Manager

  sudo apt-get update

1.1.6 Now, install Java8 on your machine

  sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

1.1.7 Again, Update the ubuntu Package Manager after installing java8

  sudo apt-get update

1.1.8 Confirm the java version after installing

  java -version

Java Version Screenshot:

Screenshot from 2023-03-13 19-25-55

1.2 Installing tomcat9 on ubuntu

We are going to remove any existing tomcat version and install the correct version tomcat9

1.2.0 To open terminal

  ctrl + alt + t 

1.2.1 To Stop any existing tomcat running

  sudo service tomcat6 stop

1.2.2 To remove any files from tomcat6

  sudo apt-get autoremove --purge tomcat6

1.2.3 To remove any configuration file

  sudo apt-get autoremove --purge tomcat6

1.2.4 Update the ubuntu Package Manager after removing tomcat6

  sudo apt-get update

1.2.5 Now, Install TomCat9

  sudo apt install tomcat9

1.2.6 Install extra libraries from tomcat9

  sudo apt install tomcat9-docs tomcat9-examples tomcat9-admin

1.2.4 Again Update the ubuntu Package Manager after install tomcat9

  sudo apt-get update

1.2.4 After Successully installation, Check the Tomcat9 status

  sudo service tomcat9 status

After Checking TomCat9 Status Screenshot:

Screenshot from 2023-03-13 19-45-04

1.3 Configuration of TomCat9 to run OpenMRS and KenyaEMR

Now, we are going to configure the tomcat config,

1.3.0 To open terminal

  ctrl + alt + t 

1.3.1 Lets nano server.xml. We, are setting connector to 200MB

  sudo nano /etc/tomcat9/server.xml
copy and paste the following as shown on screenshot:
      maxPostSize= "209715200"

After Adding lines to Connector to 200MB Screenshot:


1.3.3 To Configure Multipart Config from web.xml file:

  sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat9-admin/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
copy and paste the following as shown on screenshot:

After adding the lines to Multipart Config Screenshot:


1.3.4 Cd to

       sudo nano /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/
add this lines to the end of the

After adding the line Screenshot:


1.3.5 Adding the roles to TomCat9 users:

  sudo nano /etc/tomcat9/tomcat9-users.xml
add the following, N/B: Remember to Change the Password attribute to match your machine password:
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="PASSWORD" roles=" tomcat, manager-gui, admin-gui"/>

After adding the lines and editing the password:

Screenshot from 2023-03-13 20-39-39

1.3.6 Optimizing TomCat9. N/B uncomment and add Java_home Don't copy the path of JAVA:

 sudo nano /etc/default/tomcat9
uncomment JAVA_HOME as shown below:


on the same nano /etc/default/tomcat9 add this line:
  JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=256m"
After the line to the nano /etc/default/tomcat9 as shown:


N/B: Ensure your machine has 8GB RAM or Edit the JAVA_OPTS line to fit your RAM size

1.3.6 Create OpenMRS Directory and grant User Permission to TomCat9

  sudo mkdir /var/lib/OpenMRS 
  sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/OpenMRS/
  sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/OpenMRS*
Creating the OpenMRS


"sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/OpenMRS/" changes the owner and group of the "/var/lib/OpenMRS/" directory and its contents to "tomcat" user and group.
"sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/OpenMRS*" sets the file permissions of all files and directories that start with "/var/lib/OpenMRS" to 755 recursively

as shown below: change

1.3.7 Redirecting Logs to Catalina:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/tomcat9.service
comment out line
- SyslogIdentifier=tomcat9
add this lines below SyslogIdentifier=tomcat9 commented

as shown:


On tomcat9.service file still add this line under Service

at end you should have this:


1.3.8 Creating Service.d:

sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d

1.3.9 Create blank file and name it logging-allow.conf:

 sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tomcat9.service.d/logging-allow.conf

as show below:


Once Created, add the below lines and save the changes:

as shown:


1.3.9 Reload the daemon process and restart tomcat9:

  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl restart tomcat9

Additional: FYI [ commands to start,stop and restart tomcat9]

  sudo service tomcat9 start
  sudo service tomcat9 stop
  sudo service tomcat9 restart
  sudo service tomcat9 status

1.4 Installation of mysql 5.6 to ubuntu 20:

if you have existing different version of mysql, uninstall the proceed as stated:

1.4.0 To open terminal:

  ctrl + alt + t 

1.4.1 add the package:

  sudo add-apt-repository 'deb trusty universe'

1.4.2 then run:

  sudo add-apt-repository 'deb xenial main' 

1.4.3 Then Update and install:

  sudo apt update
  sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6                             

1.4.4 Change ownership and set defaults then restart:

  sudo touch /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock
  sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld
  sudo update-rc.d mysql defaults
  sudo service mysql restart

1.4.5 FYI Commands to start,stop ,restart and check status Mysql:

  sudo service mysql start
  sudo service mysql stop
  sudo service mysql restart
  sudo service mysql status   

1.5 KenyaEMR System upgrade on already existing facilities Scenario:

1.5.0 First make sure to make a backup database. [replace password and username and dump]

By default the dump database will be store in /Home/ directory

  sudo mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD openmrs > FACILITYDUMPDATABASE.sql
1.5.1 Using the provided upgrading folder by the Lead Developer,

locate the setup

To make the script executable, run the command. [setup_script is the script name]:

   sudo chmod +x

1.5.2 Then, run the script:


1.5.3 Confirm the modules and War file:

locate to modules folder and make sure they are owned by tomcat. if not then change them. cd /var/lib/OpenMRS/modules Then check to make sure they are owned by tomcat:

1.5.4 if not then change the ownership:

  sudo chown tomcat:tomcat *.omod 

1.5.5 Also give read write permissions to the modules:

  sudo chmod 755 *.omod

1.5.6 Confirm also that openmrs war file if owned by tomcat:

  cd /var/lib/tomcat/webapps

1.5.7 if not then change the ownership:

  sudo chown tomcat:tomcat openmrs.war

1.6 After Upgrade Source back Facility database. - Optional if the databse is working correctly.

1.6.0 Login to mysql:

  sudo mysql -uUSER -pPASSSWORD; 

1.6.1 check available databses:

  show databases;

1.6.2 Select openmrs database:

  use openmrs;

1.6.3 now source back the facility database:

  source /location/to/your/backup/database;

Thank you

incase of any question please DM^ Whatsapp


Installation of Tomcat9 and Mysql configuration on ubuntu 20







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