- What was your motivation? to build my first webpage
- Why did you build this project? I had been previously self-taught in HTML, CSS and a little JS, but I didn't know how they all worked (or didnt work) together.
- What problem does it solve? Can I build a webpage?
- What did you learn? how to buid a webpage.
Helpful place to keep notes for myself, and other students about a variety of topics, i.e. HTML, JS, CSS. DevTools console shows JS. To use this Prework Study Guide, you can review the notes in each section. For suggestions on what to study first, open the Chrome DevTools by pressing Command+Option+I (macOS) or Control+Shift+I (Windows). A console panel should open either below or to the side of the webpage in the browser. There you will see a list of topics we learned from the prework along with a suggestion on which topic to study first.