Refill is an interactive web application aimed at promoting sustainable development principles. This project is under Hack-O-Uplift.
Sustainable development is a term we often hear. What does it really mean? This is the type of development that satisfies the needs of the present, while making sure that future generations will still be able to satisfy their needs. Refill has been developed addressing this. This application provides users with access to a community and the ability to share their views. With Refill, we are looking forward to utilizing the funds collected for accomplishing the goals of sustainable development.
Almost everyone understands the need to grow their economies, but not everyone realizes the negative effects unbalanced economic growth can have on the environment. It is time to change this by looking at the world differently, and sustainable development goals will help us do that. The big picture is to make everyone's lives better and achieve everything together. Details, however, are crucial. Both lifestyles and economies need to grow, so we wish both to prosper. New innovative technologies should be developed without causing harm to the environment. Regardless of where we live, everyone needs access to healthy food. We also want clean drinking water and sanitation, free education and much more in the next ten years. Through our application, we are concerned and have a vision to uplift these sections.
By using Refill, users will be able to connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to sustainable development. They can donate money to support the different campaigns we will conduct to meet the needs of the people. We believe that something big can be achieved starting with small steps. In future, we aim to improve the application to facilitate collaboration with social workers and NGOs in sessions and through special projects. Nonetheless, so far, it is incredibly powerful and easy to use in creating significant change.
The web has made it easier than ever to connect with people and easily accomplish our tasks through internet use. What we are trying to create is an interactive web app that states all the tasks and goals of our community. We believe that a little bit of help from everyone can go a long way. As communities are a great source of ideas and knowledge, we strive to keep it simple and not chaotic with blog posts and a feature to donate money.
The project currently does the following things.
- Allows the viewers to connect to like-minded people through our application.
- Has feature for writing blogs related to current issues and remedies concerning the sustainable development.
- A contact us section that will help potential volunteers or other users to contact us directly.
- A responsive web application that portrays the motto of our app very smoothly.
See below for our future steps.
- Integrate payment gateway feature to collect donations from the users.
- Features to introduce real-time community forum.
Everyone is welcomed to contribute to our project. Mentioning in bold, you do not need to know the tech stack and tools beforehand to be a part of our project. This is a learn-and-build projects where the contributors build alongside learning the various concepts and technologies involved. Below are a few prerequisites and installation guides:
- A web browser
- Node, npm and nodemon
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- VS Code
The best way to learn the following is to google each and everything!
Very basic understanding of git and github:
- What are repositories (local - remote - upstream), issues, pull requests
- How to clone a repository, how to fork a repository, how to set upstreams
- Adding, committing, pulling, pushing changes to remote repositories
For backend:
- Reading this blog on overview of HTTP
- Reading this blog on APIs
- Reading this blog on npm
- Creating a free MongoDB cluster and fetching the connection URI. (you may read my gist on how to - here)
For frontend:
- Understanding the differences between HTML and EJS.
- Using variables, if else, loops in EJS.
- CSS !
A step-by-step series of instructions that tell you how to get the project running locally is given below. Google every issue you face following the below instructions or just ask us in our Discord channel.
- Fork and clone the repository.
- In git bash install nodemon
- Write npm install in cmd or terminal
- Write nodemon app.js
- In browser open http://localhost:3000/
To view the app live head over to:
- Javascript
- Embedded Javascript
- Express.js
- Node.js, npm and nodemon
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- VS Code
Please read for details and our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.