Extremely advanced car rental system for mf-inventory. Built for esx-legacy.
- Showcase - https://streamable.com/msejyp (outdated)
- Download the script and put it in the [resource] folder.
- Start all the resources in the correct order!
- Paste the following into ms-peds's config (Config.PedList).
{ model = `A_M_Y_Business_02`, coords = vector4(109.0720, -1089.7605, 28.3033, 348.1383), -- Rental - Legion gender = 'male', animDict = 'missheistdockssetup1clipboard@base', animName = 'base' }, { model = `A_M_Y_Business_02`, coords = vector4(-832.3906, -2348.7542, 13.5706, 278.2155), -- Rental - Airport gender = 'male', animDict = 'missheistdockssetup1clipboard@base', animName = 'base' },
- Run the following SQL file:
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`, `rare`, `can_remove`, `degrademodifier`, `unique`, `description`) VALUES ('rentalpapers', 'Rental Papers', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 'Rental Papers with keys.');