- Pro
Let-s-Connect Public
It is basically a social media website which is made specifically to connect two users and use for business purpose
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 1, 2025 -
task_management Public
Forked from iAhmadAmin/task_managementTask Management / TODO App
Dart UpdatedNov 6, 2024 -
release_to_trigger Public
Forked from tejaspalyekar/release_to_triggerReleaseToTrigger is a highly customizable Flutter widget that captures vertical swipe gestures and triggers actions upon release at a defined threshold. Ideal for enhancing user experiences with pu…
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2024 -
Melophile_Application_Mobile Public
It is a dynamic music player for mobile , It can play internal storage music Of the user and easy to use
Melophile Public
Melophile is an Music Player , Which is made using javaFx You can make your personalise account
event-horizon Public
Event-Horizon is an innovative event management solution available as a web application and mobile application. It addresses the need for efficient event management by reducing manpower and time co…
JavaScript UpdatedAug 11, 2024 -
eco-cycle-connect-firebase Public
Using the react js and firebase with redux tools
ayusharks-sih Public
This is a mobile application Ayusharks for start-up AYUSH portal have the features Login , signup for different types of user including start-up , investors , incubators , accelerators etc. Persona…
my-community-app Public
Community app where people can collab and chat through online system
Dart UpdatedDec 24, 2023 -
eco-cycle-connect Public
This is a college mini project made using MERN
JavaScript UpdatedOct 25, 2023 -
Lets-Connect-Mobile Public
It was a mobile application made using mobile application but its not complete dynamic because of some technical bugs , but its completely static and working fine . This app is made using a python …
kvlang UpdatedSep 29, 2023 -
PRODIGY_WD_01 Public
Internship Task 1 to make interactive navigation menu using Html , CSS and Javascript done successfully
HTML UpdatedSep 17, 2023 -
jenkins-pipeline-tutorial Public
Forked from chrismld/jenkins-pipeline-tutorialJenkins Pipeline Tutorial
UpdatedSep 8, 2023 -
QuizApp Public
Quiz app is basically an interactive GUI for students to make learning more simple and interactive
Java UpdatedJul 4, 2023 -