FireCache is a networking library that fetches and caches images, JSON, string via HTTP in Swift and is flexible to be extended to custom types.
- In-memory caching.
- Nonblocking IO. All HTTP and IO happen in the background.
- Fully Generic.
- Simple extension method for UIImageView to load a remote image.
- Robust, fast and fully-customizable.
- Simple, easy-to-understand and concise codebase.
- handles redundant image requests smartly.
Requires at least iOS 9 or above.
FireCache requires CocoaPods 1.1.x or higher.
FireCache is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FireCache'
First thing is to import the framework.
import FireCache
Once imported, you can start requesting images.
//you can simply call the URL string on your UIImageView
let imageUrl = URL(string: "")!
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200))
self.imageView.setImage(with: imageUrl)
//Fetch image using the FireCache Image Manager
FireImageManager.shared.fetch(with: url) { (image, url, error) in
//Returns `url`
//Returns either of `image` or `error`
Using default JSON Manager.
FireJSONManager.shared.fetch(with: url) { (json, url, error) in
//Returns `url`
//Returns either of `json` or `error`
Fetched requests can be cancelled when needed. This causes the closures to be called throwing error with error code NSURLErrorCancelled
let downloadTask = self.imageView.setImage(with: imageUrl)
You can create your own type for caching with FireCache. Let's consider new type as ZIP
//Extend you type with `Cacheable` protocol
extension ZIP: Cacheable {
public typealias Object = ZIP
public static func convertFromData(_ data: Data) throws -> ZIP {
guard let zip = ZIP(data: data) else { throw FireError.invalidData }
return zip
let fireZIPManager = FireManager<ZIP>()
fireZIPManager.fetch(with: url) { (zip, url, error) in
//Returns `url`
//Returns either of `zip` or `error`
let task1 = fireManager.fetch(with: url) { (file, url, error) in }
let task2 = fireManager.fetch(with: url) { (file, url, error) in }
let task3 = fireManager.fetch(with: url) { (file, url, error) in }
task1?.priority = 0.2
task2?.priority = 0.5
task3?.priority = 1.0
FireCache is licensed under MIT Open source license.
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