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Solving PDEs using a Graph Neural Network

PACS Project of Andrea Bonifacio and Sara Gazzoni


This repository contains the code for a Python-based library for solving PDEs using a Graph Neural Network. The code is based on the paper Learning Reduced-Order Models for Cardiovascular Simulations with Graph Neural Networks. We built the library with the aim of creating a fully working pipeline from the generation of the data to the training of the model and the evaluation of the results. We divided the code into three main folders:

  • scripts: contains the scripts for the generation of the data;
  • gNN: contains the code for the implementation of the GNN;
  • notebooks: contains some example notebooks to test the library.
  • models: contains some already trained models.


  • Python <=3.10
  • Required packages: FEniCS


This installation procedure assumes that the user has already installed FEniCS in an Anaconda environment. If this is not the case, please refer to the FEniCS installation guide. To install the library, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd pacsproj
  1. Activate the FEniCS environment
  2. Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Check if the installation was successful by running the script python scripts/
  4. Store the path/to/pacsproj/data path in a file called data_location.txt, which needs to be saved in gNN/tools/
cd data
echo $(pwd) > ../gNN/tools/data_location.txt
cd ..


The library is able to create meshes, solve variational problems, save them in a suitable format and train a GNN on the data. The user can choose which part of the pipeline to run. We will now describe each step separately. If the user wants to run the whole pipeline, please refer to the subsection Notebooks.

Mesh generation

The user can generate a mesh using the script scripts/ Inside its main function, one can modify the variables filename (default: mesh) and output_dir (default: data/mesh) to choose the name of the mesh and the directory where to save it. Then, the user can run the command python scripts/ --args where args are the various parameters that can be modified to generate the meshes. The parameters are:

  • --nmesh: number of meshes to generate;
  • --interfaces: number of the interfaces inside the mesh;
  • --seed: seed for the random generation of the meshes;
  • --hmax: maximum length of interfaces;
  • --hmin: minimum length of interfaces;
  • --wmax: maximum spacing between interfaces;
  • --wmin: minimum spacing between interfaces;
  • --lc: characteristic length of the mesh;
  • --spacing: boolean variable to choose if the interfaces are equally spaced or not (True = equally spaced).

Variational problem solver and data generation

The library is built to solve the following problems:

  • Heat diffusion
  • Stokes problem

There is an abstract class Solver that the user can extend to solve other variational problems. We prepared a script to generate the data for the heat problem called scripts/ The Stokes problem solver is not implemented here as an executable script, in this case the user should refer to the notebooks/StokesDatasetGen.ipynb notebook.

To run the script, the user can run the command

python scripts/ --args

Where args are the parameters of the problem:

  • --output_dir: folder where to save the graphs (default: data/graphs);
  • --mesh_dir: folder where the mesh are saved (default: data/mesh_train);
  • --ngraphs: number of graphs to generate (default: 2);

The class MeshLoader has a method plot_mesh that the user can call to see the mesh that is used to solve the problem.

GNN training

For further information, please refer to the file inside the gNN folder.

The script can be found in gNN/network1d/ It trains a GNN on the data generated before. To use it, run the command

python gNN/network1d/ --args

Inside the main function, the user can modify the following variables:

  • graphs_folder: path to the folder containing the graphs (default: data/graphs_train). Use the default setting to train the model on a large dataset already generated;
  • target_features: features to predict;
  • nodes_features: features of the nodes;
  • edges_features: features of the edges;

The features chosen must correspond to the features that were used during the graph generation. For example, if the user wants to predict the heat flux, the target features must be ['flux'].

The user can modify the parameters of the training in the main function by adding them as --args. The parameters are:

  • --latent_size_gnn: size of the latent space of the GNN;
  • --latent_size_mlp: size of the latent space of the MLP;
  • --process_iterations: number of iterations of the GNN;
  • --number_hidden_layers_mlp: number of hidden layers of the MLP;
  • --learning_rate: learning rate of the optimizer;
  • --batch_size: batch size;
  • --lr_decay: learning rate decay;
  • --epochs: number of epochs;
  • --weight_decay: weight decay;
  • --rate_noise: rate of noise to add to the target features;
  • --rate_noise_features: rate of noise to add to the other features;
  • --stride: stride of the time steps (how many time steps to consider);
  • --nout: number of output features;
  • --bc_type: type of boundary conditions;
  • --optimizer: optimizer to use.

GNN testing

To test a GNN, the user can run the command

python gNN/network1d/ --args

where args are the parameters of the test. The parameters are:

  • --path: path to the model folder (default: models/trained_model);
  • --graphs_folder: name of folder containing graphs (default: graphs_train). This MUST be changed accordingly if the model is not the default one;
  • --data_location: location of the "data" folder (default: data). In most of the cases, the default setting is fine.

If the user wants to test an already trained model, he can use the model that is already present in the models folder. In that case, simply run the command

python gNN/network1d/


To facilitate the use of the library, we prepared some notebooks that show how to use the library. The notebooks are:

  • notebooks/HeatDatasetGen.ipynb: notebook that generates the data for the heat diffusion problem and creates the graphs;
  • notebooks/StokesDatasetGen.ipynb: notebook that generates the data for the Stokes problem and creates the graphs;
  • notebooks/ModelTester.ipynb: notebook that, given a model already trained, shows how to test it on the train and test geometries;

These notebooks can be used out of the box, without any modification by simply running all the cells. The dataset generation notebooks work the same as the scripts already presented, so the interested reader can refer to the previous sections for further information. The notebook that solves Stokes is here just as a proof of concept, as it should need a few tweaks in order to solve the problem correctly.

The model tester notebook is provided to work on the trained_model that is already present in the models folder. In that case is enough to run all the cells to see the results of the model on the train and test geometries. In the case a user wanted to test a different model, he should change the following variables:

  1. In the section Load the model the variable path must be the same of the model trained, while the variable graphs_folder must be the same of the folder containing the graphs used to train the model.
  2. The sectionCompute rollout errors on the train and test sets can be left as it is.
  3. The section Test the model on a single graph of the dataset the user can change the variable split to choose whether to select a graph from the train or test set and the variable graph_idx to choose the graph to test.
  4. In the section Test the model on a new graph the user can select a folder of graphs never seen by the model changing the variable graphs_folder to the desired path and the variable new_graph to the filename of the graph to test.


The documentation of the library is available in the documentation.pdf file. It is also possible to generate the documentation by running the command doxygen Doxyfile in the root folder of the repository.


  • Andrea Bonifacio
  • Sara Gazzoni


Repository for pacs project Bonifacio & Gazzoni






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