This script is a valuable addition to your FiveM server, specifically designed for use with QB-Core. This script empowers your server with enhanced logging capabilities, allowing you to keep track of various in-game activities related to PDM (Premium Deluxe Motorsport), EDM (Exotic Dealership Motors), and mechanic work. It also offers seamless integration with Discord, enabling real-time log notifications through a specified webhook.
Step 1. Drag and drop in resource folder.
Step 2. Paste Your Discord webhook in config file.
Step 3. Install ox_lib and ensure ox_lib
Step 3. ensure ef-jobreciept
Config.PDM = {
job = 'cardealer', --- job name
Location = vector3(-56.86, -1096.98, 26.42),
heading = 219.08,
minZ = 24.332054138184,
maxZ = 30.332054138184,
Wehbhook = '' --- webhook here