A tool to check one or more json files against its json schema
java -jar json-validator-jar-with-dependencies.jar <schema-file> (<json folder>|<json file>)
- Introducing JSON
- Json-Schema.org Understanding JSON Schema
- [Tour](- https://tour.json-schema.org/)
- Specifications
- Docs
- Implementations
- Projects list
- Specifiche (!)
- Everit (currently in maintenance mode and superseded by erosb/json-sKema)
- Justify (the default strategy for that project)
- Networknt
- json-sKema (It implements the draft 2020-12 specification)
- json-schema-validator (not used)
- snowy-json (not used)
- JSONschema.Net (online schema generator)
- JSONschemaValidator.Net (online validator)
- JsonFormatter.org
- JsonEditorOnline.org
JSON-B is just a layer on top of JSON-P: it does the binding part, while it delegates all the raw JSON processing to JSON-P. You can mix and match any JSON-B implementation with any JSON-P implementation.
- See the new possibility offers by the Json schema version 2019-09: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62957704/can-additionalproperties-apply-to-nested-objects-in-json-schema (currently the default version adopted by this project is the "draft-07")