This EEGLAB plugin formats EEG data contained in a STUDY to be processed by Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) solution and stored on the Amazon S3 cloud for dynamical access if necessary.
- Although the code is public, this version is alpha and still in development. Use at your own risk.
Use example_tutorial_dataset.m for an example of dataset conversion. This simple script creates a STUDY with a single dataset, convert it to a format suitable for deep learning and apply a simple convolutional network. This example is not supposed to provide meaningful results.
Use example_ds003061_multiclass_v2.m for an example of BIDS STUDY conversion.
This is the reference article correspond to this dataset
Use of MATLAB DataStore
See also this private repo (requires access)
- Fix issue with borders (exported size is 12 x 12 but all the borders are empty)
- example_ds003061.m: Train and test on different individuals (otherwise performance 100%)
- Add export to 2-second dataset
- Add export to different features
- Test first with HBN data