What is Our Example Project
This is example of repository that hosts the source code for a client(s) designed to generate a certain number of requests (N), as specified by its operations, encoded using protocol buffers. It is intentionally divided client and server source-code between two different repositories, to give a sense of interaction two real distributed systems. You can find the complete server example here.
So to see everything in action, you can test it by running our server first:
$ go run ./cmd/logistics/ main.go
or just
$ make
Then in other terminal, we run our client, in project root:
$ go run ./cmd/logistics/ main.go
or just
$ make
The server should wait infinitely, emitting logs on calls, and the client should be returning without any error on the terminal. Then you want to hit the localhost:50051 LogisticsEngineAPI/MetricsReport, with any gRPC client to see the calculations result.