Restarting with simplicity
This config includes configuration for Neovim, tmux and z-shell. All of which should be switchable between different ui (color and font) themes. Supported themes will Gruvbox Dark and Catppuccin in all four variants.
- don't overwrite the yank buffer with delete actions
- better quickfix list ergonomics (& ui)
- better git integration (find god keybinds for fugitive)
- Neovim keybindings
- Tmux Knowledge
- Working with paste buffers in Neovim (replace for instance)
I intend to have a key map that is logical throughout all application layers and thus would be best to be described here. It would also be cool to keep things close to established standards so that I can still move on foreign systems.
- Neovim Stuff should start with [leader]
- Tmux stuff should start with [CTRL+b] or [CTRL+z]
- iTerm2 -> margins should be x18,y20
- find a window manager that works well
Theese Setups are needed:
- Comm Stuff: A Space where all my communication software (email, chat, etc.) lives
- Browser: Full screen complete browsing
- Web Dev: Two Panel Layout of The Terminal with tmux+neovim on the left and a naked brower on the right
- Mobile Dev: Same as WebDev but having the Mobile Emulator on the right
- Zen Mode: Terminal in full screen, but with big margins left and right, as that the text passage stays narrow enough
Thoughts about my (ideal?) nvim
- Only use leader mappings that don't have a modification mapping without leader
- Use simple mnemonics
There are a few categories that my make up the basic of my leader mappings:
finding the right file to open
jumping between symbols in a project
code/language related actions and diagnostics
navigating between symbols in the open buffer
explore the project
- I don't know if oh-my-z is really providing enough benefit.