A Ruby gem which integrates with the OpenTSDB API
OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB) written on top of HBase. OpenTSDB was written to address a common need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems (network gear, operating systems, applications) at a large scale, and make this data easily accessible and graphable.
Continuum integrates with the OpenTSDB API so that Ruby Applications can access the metrics written to OpenTSDB instances. Support is planned for writing metrics into an OpenTSDB instance. So that you can easily integrate with Ruby applications.
> client = Continuum::Client.new '', 4242
> client.aggregators
=> ["min", "sum", "max", "avg"]
> client.logs.first
=> "1305212010\tINFO\tNew I/O server boss #1 ([id: 0x7d8a8ce2, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:4242])\tnet.opentsdb.tsd.ConnectionManager\t[id: 0x33f98d58, / => /] CONNECTED: /"
> client.query(
:format => :json,
:start => '2h-ago',
:m => ['sum:rate:proc.net.bytes', 'sum:rate:proc.stat.cpu']
=> {"plotted"=>701, "points"=>1961, "etags"=>[["direction"], ["type"]], "timing"=>370}
> client.query(
:format => :png,
:start => (Time.now - 7200),
:m => ['sum:rate:proc.net.bytes', 'sum:rate:proc.stat.cpu']
=> # A PNG binary.
> client.query(
:format => :ascii,
:start => (Time.now - 7200),
:m => ['sum:rate:proc.net.bytes', 'sum:rate:proc.stat.cpu']
> data.split("\n").first
=> "proc.net.bytes 1305211753 563002.2 iface=eth0 host=i-007"
- The rest of the Read API
- The write API