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- spring boot
A short explanation on how to work on this repository, if you never worked with submodules before. A submodule is in a nutshell a Git repostory inside another Git repository, their state is tracked seperately.
Because this repository that contains submodules, you need to take an extra step to ensure that the submodules are also cloned (downloaded).
This is done using the --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/j0giwa/klimaralley
This command clones the main repository along with all its submodules. If for some reason the submodules weren't cloned, you can initialize and update them manually:
git submodule update --init
One thing to keep in mind is that if you make changes to a submodule, those changes are not automatically reflected in the main repository. You need to explicitly commit the new version of the submodule to the main repository.
cd .. # go to main-repository
git add submodule # replace 'submodule' with the name of the submodule (obviously)
git commit -m "Updated submodule to latest version"
By doing this, you're telling Git that the submodule is now at a new state, and you want to record that change in the main repository.
That is the link to the design template for all who want to customize to their own project. Make sure to be registered as student i.e. with your university adress. link: https://www.figma.com/design/Ln7LYih8IQdxpfCRG3nczu/Design_Template?node-id=0-1&t=MJKa0BzZQG7Ef6rE-1