This project was created for the class CS360: Database Systems at the University of Idaho during Spring of 2021. The main goal for this project was to create at least two independent medical applications and databases that communicate to each other via a patient’s provider selections. For our team, we decided to implement a doctor portal and a patient portal as our two applications. They are both full-stack web apps that communicate to SQL databases with separate user-interfaces and backend files for each portal.
University of Idaho Spring 2021: Lucas Jackson, Ryan Wagner, Trevor Griffin
To run this project, first download all of the source code files from GitHub: . You will need a server to host the files on as well as a MySQL server. Here is where to get started with an Apache Server: and here is where to get started with a MySQL server: . Once your environment is setup, run the download database.sql files in your MySQL server to create the databases, their tables, and starter data and place the full project folder in your web server. Make sure to change the dbconn.php file to accurately reflect your server information.