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1. Usage

1.1. Connecting

The library supports both single and pooled connections. If you want to establish a single session to a PostgreSQL server you need to use Connection class. If you require a connection pool use Pool class instead.

new Connection([config: String | ConnectionConfiguration]);

import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 5432,
    user: 'user1',
    password: 'mypass',
    database: 'mydb',
    timezone: 'Europe/Amsterdam'
await connection.connect();
// Do whatever you need with connection
await connection.close();

1.1.1. Connection Strings

You can initialize both a Connection and Pool using a connection string uri. Unix domain sockets and TCP uri's can be used as connection string.

UNIX domain socket

[unix:// | socket://][<user>][:<password>]@<path>[?query&query...]







const connection = new Connection('postgres://someuser:somepassword@somehost:381/somedatabase');

TCP connection URI

[pg:// | postgres://][<user>][:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][/<database>][?query&query...]



1.1.2. Environment variables

Configuration object and connection strings are optional for both Connection and Pool classes. If no argument given while creating an instance, same environment variables as libpq will be used to establish connection.


const connection = new Connection(); // Initialize using environment variables

1.2. Pooling

Pool class is used to create a connection pool. Constructor accepts connection string or PoolConfiguration interface

new Pool([config: String | PoolConfiguration]);

import { Pool } from 'postgresql-client';

const dbpool = new Pool({
    host: 'postgres://localhost',
    pool: {
        min: 1,
        max: 10,
        idleTimeoutMillis: 5000
const qr = await dbpool.query('select * from my_table where id=1');
// Do whatever you need with pool
await dbpool.close(); // Disconnect all connections and shutdown pool

1.2.1. Obtaining a connection

The pool returns an idle Connection instance when you call pool.acquire() function. You must call connection.release() method when you done with the connection.

pool.acquire(): Promise<Connection>;

  const connection = await dbpool.acquire();
try {
    const qr = await connection.query('select * from my_table where id=1');
    // ... Do whatever you need with connection
} finally {
    await connection.release(); // Connection will go back to the pool

Pool class has pool.execute() and pool.query() methods which applies "obtain a connection", "execute the given query" and "release the connection" sequence. This is the comfortable and secure way if you don't execute your query in a transaction. So you don't need to take care of releasing the connection every time.

1.2.2. Shutting down the pool

To shut down a pool call pool.close() method. This will wait for active connections to get idle than will release all resources. If you define `terminateWait argument, the pool wait until the given period of time in ms, before force connections to close.

pool.close(terminateWait?: number): Promise;

1.3. Queries

1.3.1 Simple query

PostgreSQL wire protocol has two kind of way to execute SQL scripts. Simple query is the mature way. Simple query supports executing more than one sql scripts in a single command. But it does not support bind parameters and server transfers data in text format which is slower than binary format. So it may cause performance and security problems. We suggest to use query() method which uses Extended query protocol if you need bind parameters or need to return rows.

To execute SQL scripts you can create a ScriptExecutor instance or just call connection.execute() or pool.execute() methods.

pool.execute(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions]): Promise<ScriptResult>;

connection.execute(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions]): Promise<ScriptResult>;

const qr = await connection.execute('BEGIN; update my_table set ref = ref+1; END;');
console.log(qr.results[1].rowsAffected + ' rows updated');
const scriptExecutor = new ScriptExecutor(connection);
scriptExecutor.on('start', () => console.log('Script execution started'));
scriptExecutor.on('command-complete', (cmd) => console.log(cmd.command + ' complete'));
scriptExecutor.on('row', (row) => console.log('Row received: ', row));
scriptExecutor.on('finish', () => console.log('Script execution complete'));
await scriptExecutor.execute(`
    update my_table set ref = ref+1; 
    select * from my_table where id=1; 

1.3.2. Extended query

In the extended-query protocol, prepared statements and portals are used. Unlike simple query, extended query protocol supports parameter binding and binary data format. The only limit is you can execute one command at a time.

pool.query(sql: string, options?: QueryOptions]): Promise<QueryResult>;

connection.query(sql: string, options?: QueryOptions]): Promise<QueryResult> ;

const qr = await connection.query('select * from my_table');

1.3.3. Prepared Statements

Prepared statements are great when you need executing a script more than once (etc. bulk insert or update). It dramatically reduces execution time.

To create a PreparedStatement instance or just call connection.prepare() or pool.prepare() methods.

pool.prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions]): Promise<PreparedStatement>;

connection.prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions]): Promise<PreparedStatement>;

import { DataTypeOIDs } from 'postgresql-client';

// .....
const statement = await connection.prepare(
        'insert into my_table(id, name) values ($1, $2)', {
            paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4, DataTypeOIDs.Varchar]

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    await statement.execute({params: [i, ('name' + i)]});
await statement.close(); // When you done, close the statement to relase resources

1.3.4. Using Cursors

Cursors enable applications to process very large data sets. Cursors should also be used where the number of query rows cannot be predicted and may be larger than your JavaScript engine can handle in a single array. A Cursor object is obtained by setting cursor: true in the options parameter of the Connection.execute() method when executing a query. Cursor fetches rows in batches. method returns the next row from the internal cache. When internal cache is empty, it fetches next batch of rows from the server. fetchCount property lets you set the batch size. Where there is no more row to fetch, Cursor is closed automatically and next() method returns undefined;

const qr = await connection.query('select * from my_table',
        {cursor: true, fetchCount: 250});
const cursor = qr.cursor;
let row;
while ((row = await {
await cursor.close(); // When you done, close the cursor to release resources

1.4. Transaction management

To start a transaction in PostgreSQL you need to execute 'BEGIN' command. 'COMMIT' to apply changes and 'ROLLBACK' to revert. Connection class has startTransaction(), commit() , rollback(), savepoint(), rollbackToSavepoint() shorthand methods which is typed and more test friendly.

By default, PostgreSQL server executes SQL commands in auto-commit mode. postgresql-client has a high-level implementation to manage this. You can change this behaviour by setting autoCommit property to false. After that all SQL scripts will be executed in transaction and changes will not be applied until you call commit() or execute COMMIT command.

You can also check transaction status with connection.inTransaction getter.

1.5. Notification Listeners

postgresql-client library has a high level implementation for PostgreSql's LISTEN/NOTIFY feature. You can listen for channels using both single Connection instance or a Pool instance.

1.5.1 Listening notifications with Connection instance

To listen PostgreSql's channels, you can use high level listener implementation (recommended) or can use low level event emitter style.

Using high level listener implementation is very easy. When you call "listen" method, the library registers for the channel and emits the callback function when a notification received.

await connection.listen('my_channel', (msg) => {

To unregister from a channel just call "unListen" or call "unListenAll" method to unregister all channels.

await connection.unListen('my_channel');
await connection.unListenAll();

1.5.2 Listening notifications with Pool

You can also listen for notifications using connection Pool. When you call "listen" method, the Pool creates a separate connection to listen for channels and emits the callback function when a notification received.

await pool.listen('my_channel', (msg) => {

To unregister from a channel just call "unListen" or call "unListenAll" method to unregister all channels.

await pool.unListen('my_channel');
await pool.unListenAll();

1.6. Data types

1.6.1 Type mappings

The table below lists builtin data type mappings.

Posgtres type JS type Receive Send
bool boolean text,binary binary
int2 number text,binary binary
int4 number text,binary binary
int8 BigInt text,binary binary
float4 number text,binary binary
float8 number text,binary binary
char string text,binary binary
bpchar string text,binary binary
varchar string text,binary binary
date Date text,binary binary
time Date text,binary binary
timestamp Date text,binary binary
timestamptz Date text,binary binary
oid number text,binary binary
bytea Buffer text,binary binary
uuid string text,binary binary
json object text,binary binary
jsonb object text,binary binary
xml string text,binary binary
point Point text,binary binary
circle Circle text,binary binary
lseg Rectangle text,binary binary
box Rectangle text,binary binary
int2Vector number[] text,binary binary
_bool boolean[] text,binary binary
_int2 number[] text,binary binary
_int4 number[] text,binary binary
_int8 BigInt[] text,binary binary
_float4 number[] text,binary binary
_float8 number[] text,binary binary
_char string[] text,binary binary
_bpchar string[] text,binary binary
_varchar string[] text,binary binary
_date Date[] text,binary binary
_time Date[] text,binary binary
_timestamp Date[] text,binary binary
_timestamptz Date[] text,binary binary
_uuid string[] text,binary binary
_oid number[] text,binary binary
_bytea Buffer[] text,binary binary
_json object[] text,binary binary
_jsonb object[] text,binary binary
_xml string[] text,binary binary
_point Point[] text,binary binary
_circle Circle[] text,binary binary
_lseg Rectangle[] text,binary binary
_box Rectangle[] text,binary binary
_int2Vector number[][] text,binary binary

1.6.2 Data transfer formats

PostgreSQL wire protocol offers text and binary data transfer formats. Most common libraries supports only text transfer format which is easy to implement but poses performance and memory problems. postgresql-client has rich data type mappings which supports both text and binary formats. The default format is set to binary. However, you can set the format to text for all columns or per column.

Note that binary format is faster than text format. If there is a type mapping for that postgres type, we don't suggest you text format.

const qr = await connection.query('select id, other_field from my_table',
        {columnFormat: DataFormat.text});
const qr = await connection.query('select id, other_field from my_table',
        {columnFormat: [DataFormat.binary, DataFormat.text]});

2. API

2.1. Classes

2.1.1. Connection

new Connection([config: String | ConnectionConfiguration)


Key Type Readonly Description
config ConnectionConfiguration true Returns configuration object
inTransaction boolean true Returns true if connection is in a transaction
state ConnectionState true Returns current state of the connection
processID number true Returns processId of current session
secretKey number true Returns secret key of current session
sessionParameters object true Returns information parameters for current session



Connects to the server

connect(): Promise<void>

import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
// ...

For a single connection this call closes connection permanently. For a pooled connection it sends the connection back to the pool.

You can define how long time the connection will wait for active queries before closing. At the end of time, it forces to close/release and emits terminate event.

close(terminateWait?: number): Promise<void>

  • terminateWait: On the end of the given time, it forces to close the socket and than emits terminate event.
Argument Type Default Description
terminateWait number 10000 Time in ms that the connection will wait for active queries before terminating
import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
connection.on('close', () => {
    console.log('Connection closed');
connection.on('terminate', () => {
    console.warn('Connection forced to terminate!');
// ...
await connection.close(30000); // will wait 30 secs before terminate the connection

Executes single or multiple SQL scripts using Simple Query protocol.

execute(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions): Promise<ScriptResult>;

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options ScriptExecuteOptions Execute options
import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
const executeResult = await connection.execute(
        'BEGIN; update my_table set ref=1 where id=1; END;');
// ...
await connection.close();

Executes single SQL script using Extended Query protocol.

query(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions): Promise<ScriptResult>;

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options QueryOptions Execute options
import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
const queryResult = await connection.query(
        'select * from my_table', {
            cursor: true,
            utcDates: true
let row;
while ((row = await {
    // ....
await connection.close();

Creates a PreparedStatement instance

prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions): Promise<PreparedStatement>

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options StatementPrepareOptions Options
import { Connection, DataTypeOIDs } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
const statement = await connection.prepare(
        'insert into my_table (ref_number) ($1)', {
            paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4]
// Bulk insert 100 rows
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    await statement.execute({params: [i]});
await statement.close();

Starts a transaction

startTransaction(): Promise<void>

import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
await connection.startTransaction();
const executeResult = await connection.execute(
        'update my_table set ref=1 where id=1');
// ...... commit or rollback
await connection.close();

Commits current transaction

commit(): Promise<void>

import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
await connection.startTransaction();
const executeResult = await connection.execute(
        'update my_table set ref=1 where id=1');
await connection.commit();
await connection.close();

Rolls back current transaction

commit(): Promise<void>

import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
await connection.startTransaction();
const executeResult = await connection.execute(
        'update my_table set ref=1 where id=1');
await connection.commit();
await connection.close();

Starts transaction and creates a savepoint

savepoint(name: string): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
name string Name of the savepoint

Rolls back current transaction to given savepoint

savepoint(name: string): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
name string Name of the savepoint
import { Connection } from 'postgresql-client';

const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
await connection.connect();
await connection.savepoint('my_save_point');
const executeResult = await connection.execute(
        'update my_table set ref=1 where id=1');
await connection.rollbackToSavepoint('my_save_point');
await connection.close();

Registers the connection as a listener on the notification channel.

listen(channel: string, callback: NotificationCallback): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
channel string Name of the channel
callback NotificationCallback Listener callback function
await connection.listen('my_event', (msg: NotificationMessage)=>{
  console.log( ' event fired!. processId:', msg.processId, '  payload:', msg.payload);

Removes existing registration for NOTIFY events for given channel.

unListen(channel: string): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
channel string Name of the channel
await connection.unListen('my_event');

Removes existing registration for NOTIFY events for all channels.

unListenAll(): Promise<void>

await connection.unListenAll();



Triggered when an error occurs.

(err: Error) => void

Argument Type Default Description
err Error Error instance

Triggered when after connection closed.

() => void


Triggered when establishing a connection.

`() => void`


Triggered when connection is ready.

`() => void`


Triggered when the connection is terminated unintentionally.

() => void


Triggered when notification is received from a registered channel.

`(msg: NotificationMessage) => void`
Argument Type Default Description
msg NotificationMessage Notification message instance

2.1.2. Pool

new Pool([config: String | PoolConfiguration)


Key Type Readonly Description
config PoolConfiguration] true Returns configuration object
acquiredConnections number true Returns number of connections that are currently acquired
idleConnections number true Returns number of unused connections in the pool
acquiredConnections number true Returns number of connections that are currently acquired
totalConnections number true Returns total number of connections in the pool regardless of whether they are idle or in use



Obtains a connection from the connection pool

acquire(): Promise<PoolConnection>

import { Pool } from 'postgresql-client';

const pool = new Pool('postgres://localhost');
const connection = await pool.acquire();
// ...
await connection.relese();

Shuts down the pool and destroys all resources.

close(terminateWait?: number): Promise<void>

import { Pool } from 'postgresql-client';

const pool = new Pool('postgres://localhost');
const connection = await pool.acquire();
// ...
await pool.close(5000);

Acquires a connection from the pool and executes single or multiple SQL scripts using Simple Query protocol.

execute(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions): Promise<ScriptResult>;

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options ScriptExecuteOptions Execute options
import { Pool } from 'postgresql-client';

const pool = new Pool('postgres://localhost');
const executeResult = await pool.execute(
        'BEGIN; update my_table set ref=1 where id=1; END;');
// ...
await pool.close();

Acquires a connection from the pool and executes single SQL script using Extended Query protocol.

query(sql: string, options?: ScriptExecuteOptions): Promise<ScriptResult>;

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options QueryOptions Execute options
import { Pool } from 'postgresql-client';

const pool = new Pool('postgres://localhost');
const queryResult = await pool.query(
        'select * from my_table', {
            cursor: true,
            utcDates: true
let row;
while ((row = await {
    // ....
await pool.close();

Acquires a connection from the pool and creates a PreparedStatement instance.

prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions): Promise<PreparedStatement>

Argument Type Default Description
sql string SQL script that will be executed
options StatementPrepareOptions Options
import { Pool, DataTypeOIDs } from 'postgresql-client';

const pool = new Pool('postgres://localhost');
const statement = await pool.prepare(
        'insert into my_table (ref_number) ($1)', {
            paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4]
// Bulk insert 100 rows
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    await statement.execute({params: [i]});
await statement.close();

Releases a connection

release(connection: Connection): Promise<void>


Registers the pool as a listener on the notification channel.

listen(channel: string, callback: NotificationCallback): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
channel string Name of the channel
callback NotificationCallback Listener callback function
await pool.listen('my_event', (msg: NotificationMessage)=>{
  console.log( ' event fired!. processId:', msg.processId, '  payload:', msg.payload);

Removes existing registration for NOTIFY events for given channel.

unListen(channel: string): Promise<void>

Argument Type Default Description
channel string Name of the channel
await pool.unListen('my_event');

Removes existing registration for NOTIFY events for all channels.

unListenAll(): Promise<void>

await pool.unListenAll();

2.1.3. Cursor

2.1.4. PreparedStatement

2.1.5. BindParam

2.1.6. DataTypeMap

2.2. Interfaces

2.2.1. ConnectionConfiguration

Key Type Default Description
host string localhost Host name or the address of the server
port number 5432 Server listening port number
user string postgres Authenticating user name
password string User password
database string Database name to be connected
applicationName string The name of your application to attach with your session
typesMap DataTypeMap GlobalTypeMap Data type map instance
ssl tls.ConnectionOptions SSL configuration
timezone string Timezone to be set on start. (Equivalent to SET timezone TO ....)
schema string Default schema to be set on start. (Equivalent to SET search_path = ....)
connectTimeoutMs number 30000 Connection timeout value in millis
autoCommit boolean false Specifies weather execute query in auto-commit mode
rollbackOnError boolean true When on, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When off (the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction
buffer SmartBufferConfig Configuration object for buffer

2.2.2. PoolConfiguration

Extends ConnectionConfiguration

Key Type Default Description
acquireMaxRetries number 0 Maximum number that Pool will try to create a connection before returning the error
acquireRetryWait number 2000 Time in millis that Pool will wait after each tries
acquireTimeoutMillis number 0 Time in millis an acquire call will wait for a connection before timing out
fifo boolean true Specifies if resources will be allocated first-in-first-out order
idleTimeoutMillis number 30000 The minimum amount of time in millis that a connection may sit idle in the Pool
houseKeepInterval number 1000 Time period in millis that Pool will make a cleanup
min number 0 Minimum number of connections that Pool will keep
minIdle number 0 Minimum number of connections that Pool will keep in idle state
max number 10 Maximum number of connections that Pool will create
maxQueue number 1000 Maximum number of request that Pool will accept
validation boolean false If true Pool test connection on acquire

2.2.3. DataMappingOptions

Key Type Default Description
utcDates boolean false If true UTC time will be used for date decoding, else system time offset will be used

2.2.4. ScriptExecuteOptions

Extends DataMappingOptions

Key Type Default Description
autoCommit boolean false Specifies weather execute query in auto-commit mode
objectRows boolean false Specifies if rows will be fetched as <FieldName, Value> pair objects or array of values
typeMap DataTypeMap GlobalTypeMap Data type map instance
rollbackOnError boolean true When on, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When off (the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction

2.2.5. ScriptResult

Key Type Description
results CommandResult[] Array of command result for each sql command in the script
totalCommands number Command count in the script
totalTime number Total execution time

2.2.6. CommandResult

Key Type Description
command string Name of the command (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, etc.)
fields FieldInfo[] Contains information about fields in column order
rows array Contains array of row data
executeTime number Time elapsed to execute command
rowsAffected number How many rows affected

2.2.7. FieldInfo

Key Type Description
fieldName string Name of the field
tableId number OID of the table
columnId number OID of the column
dataTypeId number OID of the data type
dataTypeName string Name of the data type
elementDataTypeId number OID of the elements data type if field is an array
elementDataTypeName string Name of the elements data type if field is an array
dataTypeName string Name of the data type
jsType number JS type name that data type mapped
modifier number Modifier of the data type
isArray boolean Whether the data type is an array

2.2.8. StatementPrepareOptions

Key Type Default Description
paramTypes number[] Specifies data type for each parameter
typeMap DataTypeMap GlobalTypeMap Data type map instance

2.2.9. QueryOptions

Extends DataMappingOptions

Key Type Default Description
objectRows boolean false Specifies if rows will be fetched as <FieldName, Value> pair objects or array of values
typeMap DataTypeMap GlobalTypeMap Data type map instance
cursor boolean false If true, returns Cursor instance instead of rows
params `(BindParam any)[]` Query execution parameters
columnFormat DataFormat DataFormat[] 1 (binary) Specifies transfer format (binary or text) for each column
fetchCount number 100 Specifies how many rows will be fetched. For Cursor, this value specifies how many rows will be fetched in a batch
fetchAsString OID[] Specifies which data types will be fetched as string
rollbackOnError boolean true When on, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When off (the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction

2.2.10. QueryResult

Extends CommandResult

Key Type Default Description
cursor Cursor Cursor instance