Enterprise level PostgreSQL client for NodeJs
- Pure JavaScript library completely written in TypeScript
- Works with both CommonJS and ESM module systems
- Well tested
- Strictly typed
- Asynchronous Promise based api
- Both single connection and advanced pooling support
- Full binary wire protocol support for all data types
- Named Prepared Statements
- Cursors with fast double-link cache
- High level implementation for notifications (LISTEN/NOTIFY)
- Extensible data-types and type mapping
- Bind parameters with OID mappings
- Multidimensional arrays with fast binary encoding/decoding
- Low memory utilization and boosted performance with Shared Buffers
- Supports Clear text, MD5 and SASL password algorithms
- Can return both array and object rows
$ npm install postgresql-client --save
Please read 🔸 DOCUMENTATION 🔸 for detailed usage.
import {Connection} from 'postgresql-client';
// Create connection
const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
// Connect to database server
await connection.connect();
// Execute query and fetch rows
const result = await connection.query(
'select * from cities where name like $1',
{params: ['%york%']});
const rows: any[] = result.rows;
// Do what ever you want with rows
// Disconnect from server
await connection.close();
import {Pool} from 'postgresql-client';
// Create connection pool
const db = new Pool({
host: 'postgres://localhost',
pool: {
min: 1,
max: 10,
idleTimeoutMillis: 5000
// Execute query and fetch cursor
const result = await db.query(
'select * from cities where name like $1',
{params: ['%york%'], cursor: true});
// Walk through the cursor, and do whatever you want with fetched rows
const cursor = result.cursor;
let row;
while ((row = await cursor.next())) {
// Close cursor, (Send connection back to the pool)
await cursor.close();
// Disconnect all connections and shutdown pool
await db.close();
import {DataTypeOIDs} from 'postgresql-client';
// .....
const statement = await connection.prepare(
'insert into my_table(id, name) values ($1, $2)', {
paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4, DataTypeOIDs.Varchar]
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
await statement.execute({params: [i, ('name' + i)]});
await statement.close(); // When you done, close the statement to relase resources
Check DOCUMENTATION for other examples.
The table below lists builtin data type mappings.
Posgtres type | JS type | Receive | Send |
bool | boolean | text,binary | binary |
int2 | number | text,binary | binary |
int4 | number | text,binary | binary |
int8 | BigInt | text,binary | binary |
float4 | number | text,binary | binary |
float8 | number | text,binary | binary |
char | string | text,binary | binary |
bpchar | string | text,binary | binary |
varchar | string | text,binary | binary |
date | Date | text,binary | binary |
time | Date | text,binary | binary |
timestamp | Date | text,binary | binary |
timestamptz | Date | text,binary | binary |
oid | number | text,binary | binary |
bytea | Buffer | text,binary | binary |
uuid | string | text,binary | binary |
json | object | text,binary | binary |
jsonb | object | text,binary | binary |
xml | string | text,binary | binary |
point | Point | text,binary | binary |
circle | Circle | text,binary | binary |
lseg | Rectangle | text,binary | binary |
box | Rectangle | text,binary | binary |
int2Vector | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_bool | boolean[] | text,binary | binary |
_int2 | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_int4 | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_int8 | BigInt[] | text,binary | binary |
_float4 | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_float8 | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_char | string[] | text,binary | binary |
_bpchar | string[] | text,binary | binary |
_varchar | string[] | text,binary | binary |
_date | Date[] | text,binary | binary |
_time | Date[] | text,binary | binary |
_timestamp | Date[] | text,binary | binary |
_timestamptz | Date[] | text,binary | binary |
_uuid | string[] | text,binary | binary |
_oid | number[] | text,binary | binary |
_bytea | Buffer[] | text,binary | binary |
_json | object[] | text,binary | binary |
_jsonb | object[] | text,binary | binary |
_xml | string[] | text,binary | binary |
_point | Point[] | text,binary | binary |
_circle | Circle[] | text,binary | binary |
_lseg | Rectangle[] | text,binary | binary |
_box | Rectangle[] | text,binary | binary |
_int2Vector | number[][] | text,binary | binary |
You can report bugs and discuss features on the GitHub issues page When you open an issue please provide version of NodeJS and PostgreSQL server.
- node >= 14.x
postgresql-client is available under MIT license.