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Policy Manager Specification

Justin Dickow edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Policies Manager Specification Version 1.2.1

Revision History

Version Change Summary Date Author
1.2 Final Ford Version 2013-12-06 Elizabeth Halash
1.2.1 Edited for SDL 2016-03-11 Justin Dickow


This specification details the core System functinality of the Policies Manager.

Terminology and Abbreviations

Term Description
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
Proxy The mobile library running within an SDL Enabled Mobile Application
US United States
HMI Human Machine Interface
TTS Text To Speech
RPC Remote Procedure Call

Feature Design Requirements

SDL Policies

In order to enabled advanced functionality and protect SDL APIs from unauthorized use, it is necessary to implement a policy mechanism that allows mobile applications to be granted elevated privileges, while providing usage data to a backend server.

Policies are intended to remotely managed SDL-enabled apps, including app-sepcific and device-specific access to system functionality.

Mobile App Compatibility

All mobile apps must be issued an AppID from SHAID in order to use SDL in policies-enabled modules. All mobile apps shall send the AppID in the registerAppInterface RPC request.

Packaging a Policy Table

TODO: Link to policy flows

Policy Assumptions


Mobile App Requirement

The paired mobile device must contain a mobile app that leverages the policies-enabled SDL API. The system communicates with the backend using RPC calls contained within the SDL API running on the mobile device.

Data Connection

The mobile device must have an active data connection through which the system will send and receive policy tables.

#System Requirements


In preparation for a Policy Table Exchange, the system must have enough memory to hold a Policy Table Snapshot in memory. Policy Tables (Local, Snapshot, and Update) have an artificial upper file size limit of 200 kilobytes.

Provisioning Requirements

A local Policy Table will be baked into each System image. It is an administrator's role to generate an appropriate Policy Table from the cloud backend, which includes the actual messages within the consumer_friendly_messages section. Additionally, the administrator will have to manually insert preloaded_pt:true to the module_config section. Finally, the admin should deliver the resulting JSON to the appropriate vendor to be incorporated into the System software image.

Transferring Policy Table


The system will communicate policy table data over the same transport layer SDL uses.

RPC Message

TODO: Link to policy flows


The mobile device and the System shall communicate in such a way that the user shall see no discernible difference in system operation

Communication Acknowledgement

The only confirmation that the module successfully sent a message to the backend is the receipt of a packet from the cloud.

Contents of the Policy Table

Refer to TODO: for a list and details of all elements in the policy table

Policy Tables Stored on the System

The policy table variations described below with be authored in JSON (UTF-8 encoded). They represent the information at rest on the Policies Manager

Policy Table Preload

This file shall be incorporated into the System image itself. It reflects a Policy Table Update with no app-specific policies and includes a flag to identify it as a preloaded version. It shall include the standard format of the table and the static field names.


The Preload will not include the following policies Manager-authored portions of the table: module_meta, device_data, and usage_and_error_counts. However, the Preload, will include keys for Policies Manager-authored sections (as appropriate). The app_policies section in the Preload shall only include the policy for the key default.

Local Policy Table

After a successful Policy Table Exchange with the backend, a Preloaded table is known as a Local Policy Table


The local Policy Table shall include all sections once policies are enabled on the system.

Policy Tables Exchanged to and from Backend

The policy table variations described below will be authored in JSON (UTF-8 encoded). They contain the information sent to the policies manger from the backend server.

Policy Table Snapshot

Source: Policies Manager running on the System
Destination: Policies Cloud

The snapshot represents a Local Policy Table at a particular moment in time. This delivers a snapshot of the local policy table to the backend. The backend responds with a Policy Table update based on the contents of the Policy Table Snapshot.


The Policy Table Snapshot shall include all sections in the policy table. However, the consumer_friendly_messages section is versioned to limit the size of a request payload, so a snapshot only includes the messages' version, but not the messages themselves.

consumer_friendly_messages Section Validation

If the consumer_friendly_messages section is populated, ie it contains:

 "messages": {…}

it will replace the current section onboard the module. If there is no messages key, the current local consumer_friendly_messages section shall be maintained in the policy table.

Policy Table Update

Source: Policies Cloud
Destination: Policies Manager running on the System

This represents only the backend-authored portions of the table, including the latest application policies. The update will not include the following policies Manager-authored portions of the table: module_meta, device_data, and usage_and_error_counts.


The Policy Table Update shall replace the backend-authored portions of the Local Policy Table: module_config, functional_groupings, consumer_friendly_messages, and app_policies. The other sections are unchanged.

Section of the Policy Table


This section is authored by the backend. The module_config section specified values that can and shall effect the configuration of the System related to policies. For example, it includes destination URLs that the mobile app proxy shall use as a destination to send the policy table. Accordingly, the Policies Manager passes the destination URL to the mobile app proxy along with the policy table packet itself.


This section is authored by the backend. This section lists all RPCs used by any and all SDL apps and groups them to simplify assignment and implementation.


This section is authored by the backend. This section lists any necessary TTS prompt or display text in all needed languages.


This section is authored by the backend. Note that although an Application-specific Policy is authored by the backend, the Policies Manager will insert an AppID (key) during an app’s first use. This section specifies the specific permissions and functions for each appID.

Mandatory app_policies keys:

  • default - specifies the default app policy
  • device - specifies the associated functional group and required consumer_friendly_messages for user consent associated with a device.


This section is authored by the Policies Manager. The section provides information about the System to the backend upon a policy table exchange.


This section is authored by the Policies Manager. The sections provide usage and error tracking to the backend upon a policy table exchange.


This section is authored by the Policies Manager. It also includes user consent records, which need to be populated before a policy table exchange, if applicable. The keys of this section are a unique device identifier, which is added by the Policies Manager. A user’s nomadic device is generally a proxy for his identity.

Policy Table Exchange

An exchange involves a request (Policy Table Snapshot - PTS) and a response (Policy Table Update - PTU) and several facilitating systems that make up a secure communication channel. Details below are limited to the System and nomadic device (Proxy).

Request (Policy Table Snapshot)

Policies Manager - Prepare and execute the request as follows:

  1. Copy the Local Policy Table into Memory (Policy Table Snapshot - PTS refers to this copy)
  2. Remove the messages portion of the consumer_friendly_messages section (See data dictionary) from PTS
  3. Select an app (at random) through which to send the policy table packet
  4. Lookup the appropriate destination URL for the service type
  5. Lookup the appropriate timeout
  6. Base64 encode the Local Policy Table Snapshot and use as payload. Send local policy table snapshot to proxy via onSystemRequest().
  7. Send [PTS] and a URL (where applicable) to the Proxy using an SDL RPC request.
  8. Start the timeout countdown

Nomadic Device (Proxy) – Handle the request as follows

  1. If the URL is blank or not present in the RPC notification, pass the blob to the mobile application.
  2. If the URL is provided send it to the specified URL.

Response (Policy Table Update)

Nomadic Device (Proxy) – Handle the response as follows

  1. Receive packet from backed.
  2. Send as hybrid message (as expected by the Policies Manager) using an SDL API.

Policies Manager – Upon receiving the response (before timeout) from the nomadic device (Proxy), process it as follows

  1. Base64-decode the payload, which is the Policy Table Update.
  2. Validate the Policy Table Update. The validation will not reject tables that include fields with a status of ‘omitted,’ it will assume these are to be ignored. Validation will reject a policy table update if it does not include fields with a status of ‘required.’ If validation fails, log the error locally and discard the policy table update.
  3. Replace the following sections of the Local Policy Table with the corresponding sections from PTU: module_config, functional_groupings, app_policies
  4. If the consumer_friendly_messages section of PTU contains a messages subsection, replace the consumer_friendly_messages portion of the Local Policy Table with the same section from PTU

Requesting a Policy Table

Connected Device and mobile app

Before requesting a policy table, the Policies Manager shall check that the device is connected and that a mobile application is connected.

HMI of Mobile App

The Policies Manager shall request an update to its local policy table only through apps that have an HMI status of Background, Limited, and Full. If there are no mobile apps with any of these statuses, the system shall use an app with an HMI Level of NONE and ensure only that particular app is being used to request a policy table update.

SDP Query Complete

Before requesting a policy table update, the System shall ensure an sdp query has been completed and all mobile apps on the phone have successfully registered with the System and their appIDs have been added to the local policy table.

When to Request an Update to the Policy Table

The policies manager shall request an update to its local policy table in the following scenarios:

  1. When an appID of a registered app is not listed on the Local Policy Table.
  2. When the user starts a mobile app that requires a policy table update and the policies manager never received an updated table over the initial request sequence.
  3. After n ignition cycles . N shall be defined within the Local Policy Table under exchange_after_x_ignition_cycles.
  4. After n kilometers, based on the odometer. N shall be defined within the Local Policy Table under exchange_after_x_kilometers.
  5. After n elapsed time. N shall be defined within the Local Policy Table under exchange_after_x_days. (This rule shall only apply if the system provided time is available).

Policy Table Update Try Sequence

If the policies manager does not receive an updated table within a certain timeframe, it shall send a new request for a Policy table update.

The number of times the system retries to retrieve a policy table is defined within the Policy table. The timeout and request sequence is defined as an array in the policy table.

The policy table also includes a timeout value, timeout_after_x_seconds, that specifies the seconds to wait for a response. The timeout value shall be added to the total time between retries, i.e., time of 2nd retry = 1st retry + timeout.

Regardless of the sequence, each request shall attempt to use a different mobile app as the pass-through if multiple mobile apps are available. This provides a work-around in case a particular mobile app is somehow blocking requests from the system.

If a policy table exchange is unsuccessful after the retry strategy is complete, the system shall wait until an ignition cycle before attempting again.

Example Retry Sequence

Retry sequence in the policy table:

"seconds_between_retries":[1, 5, 25, 125, 625]

An example request sequence:

t0 = send 1st policy table request
t1 = t0+30s (timeout) + 1s (retry wait) = 31s = send 2nd request (1st retry)
-	uses 2nd url listed in policy table, if more than one exists
t2 = t1+30s (timeout) + 5s (retry wait) = 35s+31s = 66s = send 3rd request (2nd retry)

Restarting Policy Table Exchange

The retry sequence should be restarted if anything triggers a policy table request, including a user requesting an update.

Internal Status of Policy Table Request

There shall be 3 internal flags to indicate the status of the ongoing policy request.


This flag shall indicate System is waiting to receive something from policies cloud


Set to true when a snapshot is sent
Set to false when an update is received or times out



This flag shall be checked on ignition and app registration in order to start an exchange if the previous one failed(e.g. ignitions exceeded, but no app registered to use for exchange)


Set to true when an event happens that requires an exchange
Set to false when an update occurs(unless one is pending)



This flag shall indicate the system is waiting to send something to the policies cloud


Set to true if an exchange is requested while another one is in progress
Set to false when a snap shot is sent out

Internal Function getStatus()

getPolicyTableStatus from Policies Manager to HMI returns the status of the request so the HMI can be updated, if applicable. For example:

exchangeInprogress updateRequired Status
0 0 Up To Date
0 1 Update Required
1 0 Pending
1 1 Pending

Retry Over Ignition Cycles

If the system does not receive an updated table during a key-on session, it shall restart the request sequence during the next key-on. Example scenarios when the system may be unable to receive a request include, but are not limited to:

  • App unexpectedly crashes/is removed from System
  • App is blocking requests
  • Phone unexpectedly disconnects from System
  • Ignition off
  • Backend server error
  • Poor/no phone data connection
  • Customer receives a phone call while the policy table is being downloaded into the vehicle. (CDMA, Edge)

System Changes Based on Receiving a Policy Table Update

Based on the updated table, the system shall instantly apply the app policies as listed in the table. For example, the HMI Status of certain apps may change from HMI_NONE to the HMI_BACKGROUND as defined under default_hmi in the app-specific policies within the Policy Table Update.

The system shall send an `onPermissionsChange()`` notification to any connected mobile apps whose permissions were changed in the updated table.

List of devices in Policy table

When an exchange occurs, policy table shall be compared against current paired devices. If a device is no longer listed as a paired device, the Policies Manager shall also remove the device's info from the policy table. This shall only occur after a policy table exchange occurs to ensure information about a device is not lost

Implementation of Policy Table update for Running Apps

Regardless of HMI state, when a Policy Table update occurs or a user changes permissions:

  • onPermissionsChange shall be sent to the app
  • Permission changes are enforced immediately

AppID Management

New registerAppInterface Parameter

appID shall be a required parameter of `RegisterAppInterface()``. This enables the system to identify an app and apply an app’s policy from the table.

Nickname Validation

The Policies Manager shall check for any mobile app nicknames associated with an appID. If the registered name of the mobile app does not match an associated nickname, the mobile app shall be unregistered from the System.

Order of validating app registration

Nickname check must be done before duplicate app check, ie, a second app attempts to register with same appName.

Known AppId

If the appID of a registered app is listed in the table, the Policies Manager shall apply the policy as dictated in the local policy table.

Unknown AppId

If the appID is not listed in the local policy table, the mobile app shall remain registered and continue to operate using default permissions. The Policies Manager shall insert the appID in the policy table and assign a default policy in the app_policies section: "someAppId": "default"

Revoked AppId

If an appID has a policy of appID: ”null”`` in the policy table, the mobile app shall remain registered in the mobile apps menu with an HMI State of NONE, but the Policies Manager shall reject any rpc requests from the mobile app. If the mobile app is selected by the user, the system shall issue HMI messaging as defined in the HMI flow and the app shall remain in HMI_NONE`.

A revoked mobile app with permissions of NULL shall never be granted new permissions. Such an app would be given a new appID.

App Permissions (onPermissionsChange)

After the System sends the registerAppInterface response, the system shall also send a notification, `onPermissionsChange()``, which includes a JSON object of the current permission status, as defined by the policy table, to the mobile app that just registered. Additionally, this notification is sent whenever a permissions change occurs, including:

  • a policy table update occurs that either adds or removes backend-defined permissions
  • a user changes their consent settings

Validate an RPC Request

When an app sends an RPC request, the system must check the following:

  • If the app policy lists the functional group that includes the requested RPC
  • HMI status of app vs. allowed HMI for RPC

To determine consent for a particular RPC in a particular HMI level with particular parameters (if applicable), the system shall find all of the functional groups the RPC is included in. If user consent is needed as listed within the functional group in the policy table, the system shall use a logical AND: backend permissions AND User permissions. If the RPC is listed under more than one group, the system shall perform a logical OR amongst all of the possible allowed permissions scenarios for the RPC (and parameter/or HMI level) defined by each of the functional groups.

RPC Request is Allowed

The System shall assign a value of allowed to an RPC request if it is allowed by both the backend and the user. The System shall perform the desired operation.

RPC Request userDisallowed

It shall assign a value of userDissallowed to an RPC request if the request is allowed by the backend, but disallowed by the user.

RPC Request is Disallowed

It shall assign a value of disallowed to an RPC request if the request is not allowed by the backend.

RPC Request is pending

It shall assign a value of pending to an RPC request if it is allowed by the backend, but the user has not been prompted yet. The System shall send a failure with the message of pending in response to the RPC request.

User consent for specific permissions

The policy tables provides for records of user consent for app-specific permissions.

User responds to permissions prompt with YES

The mobile app is sent onPermissionsChange containing the current permissions statuses, including the latest user changes. The mobile app proceeds to HMI_FULL

User responds to permissions prompt with NO

Mobile App is sent onPermissionsChange containing the current permissions statuses, including the latest user changes. The mobile app proceeds to HMI_FULL.

Permissions Change Via App Settings Menu

If the system supports a user changing a mobile app’s permissions via an app settings menu, the onPermissionsChange() notification shall be sent to the corresponding app.

onPermissionsChange Structure

In onPermissionsChange notification: list all RPCs, parameters, and HMI statuses under appID:groups => groups:”rpcs”:”paramerters” For the “status” value, go to deviceID: "user_consent_records":appID: "consent_groups": <groupName>:<value>

onPermissionsChange Response

The structure of the json within onPermissionsChange(jsonObject):

	"notification": {
		"correlationID": 0,
		"parameters": {
			"permissionItem": [{
				"hmiPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": ["BACKGROUND",
				"parameterPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": []
				"rpcName": "AddCommand"
"hmiPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [BACKGROUND],
					"allowed": [
				"parameterPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": []
				"rpcName": "alert"
"hmiPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": ["BACKGROUND",
				"parameterPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": ["GPS", "speed"],
				"rpcName": "getVehicleData"

getPermissions Query

JSON Object getPermissions(json object)

Example 1

Request 1:

getPermissions({“rpc”: {“getVehicleData”:{}}})

Response 1:

	"notification": {
		"correlationID": 0,
		"parameters": {
			"permissionItem": [{
"hmiPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": ["BACKGROUND",
				"parameterPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": ["GPS", "speed"],
				"rpcName": "getVehicleData"

Example 2

Request 2:

getPermissions("rpcs": {"Alert":{}}})

Response 2:

	"notification": {
		"correlationID": 0,
		"parameters": {
			"permissionItem": [{
"hmiPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [BACKGROUND],
					"allowed": [
				"parameterPermissions": {
					"userDisallowed": [],
					"allowed": []
				"rpcName": "alert"

Policy Table Details Upon Master Reset

The Basic strategy is for the policy table to match the current paired device list of the system. (Upon a master reset all device are unpaired). Upon a master reset, revert the local policy table back to the preload policy table.

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