A bash implementation of the Digital Ocean API
To install from scratch, run
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/capbash/dio/master/dio-installer)
This will install dio into /usr/local/bin/bits. To install it somewhere else, for example:
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/capbash/dio/master/dio-installer) --path ~/.bin
If you don't trust this project, please don't pipe into bash, and instead download the file, inspect it and run it directly.
If you already have dio and want to upgrade to the altest, please run
dio update-self
First let's initialize the configs
dio init
This will create a .dio file in the local directory, and you will need to specify two important pieces of information.
Here's the default config file
# dio v0.10
# Provide your Digital Ocean TOKEN
# https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-digitalocean-api-v2
# You can provide your desired SSH_KEY ID for password login
# https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#ssh-keys
# You can get more information about your keys by running
# > dio ssh-keys
# It should be provided as a list, do don't forget your square brackets
# SSH_KEYS=[1234, 4567]
Uncomment the TOKEN and put in your tokens value (the above is fake, so don't bother trying it)
Once that's in place, let's create a new droplet
dio create drop1
If everything was setup correctly, you should see a message like
Creating a new droplet drop1 (tor1, 512mb, ubuntu-14-04-x64)
Reply: {"droplet":{"id":1234,"name":"drop1","memory":512,"vcpus":1,"disk":20,"locked":true,"status":"new","kernel":{"id":5175,"name":"Ubuntu 14.04 x64 vmlinuz-3.13.0-57-generic","version":"3.13.0-57-generic"},"created_at":"2015-10-23T03:36:57Z","features":["virtio"],"backup_ids":[],"next_backup_window":null,"snapshot_ids":[],"image":{"id":13089493,"name":"14.04 x64","distribution":"Ubuntu","slug":"ubuntu-14-04-x64","public":true,"regions":["nyc1","ams1","sfo1","nyc2","ams2","sgp1","lon1","nyc3","ams3","fra1","tor1"],"created_at":"2015-08-10T21:30:19Z","min_disk_size":20,"type":"snapshot"},"size":{"slug":"512mb","memory":512,"vcpus":1,"disk":20,"transfer":1.0,"price_monthly":5.0,"price_hourly":0.00744,"regions":["nyc1","sgp1","sfo1","nyc2","lon1","nyc3","ams3","ams2","fra1","tor1"],"available":true},"size_slug":"512mb","networks":{"v4":[],"v6":[]},"region":{"name":"Toronto 1","slug":"tor1","sizes":["512mb","1gb","2gb","4gb","8gb","16gb","32gb","48gb","64gb"],"features":["private_networking","backups","ipv6","metadata"],"available":true}},
Using the droplet id above (e.g. 1234), we could delete the droplet if it's no longer needed
dio delete 1234
Here's what is currently available
dio v0.16.1 A Bash Implementation
Of the Digital Ocean API
More information about the API at
dio [action]
Project Setup
init - Initialize the local directory to access a digital ocean account
account - To retrieve a list of all of the domains in your account
actions - List all actions on your account
action <ID> - List details of a specific action on your account
domains - List all domains
domain <name> - Retrieve info about domain <name>
create domain <name> <ip> - Create new domain <name> attached to <ip>
delete domain <name> - Delete the domain <name>
Domain Records
droplets - List all droplets (use this to grab your droplet IDs
droplet <id> - List details about a droplet by <id>
create <name> - Create a new droplet (by <name>)
clone <IMAGE> <name> - Create a new droplet based on the provided <IMAGE> (by <name>)
Droplet Actions
power on <ID> - Start your droplet
power off <ID> - Turn off your droplet
snapshot <ID> <name> - Create a snapshot of <ID> called <name>
delete - Delete a new digitalocean droplet (by ID)
ssh <ID> - SSH into your droploet
API Queries
list keys - List all SSH Keys associated with your account
list droplets - List all droplets (use this to grab your droplet IDs
list images - List all private images
info <ID> - List details about your droplet
Other Actions
update-self - Upgrade to latest version
version - Display just version information, like 'dio v0.16.1'
help - Show this message
For reporting issues, please contact [email protected], or
report directly against the project at https://github.com/capbash/dio