Dancing around the christmas tree, unwrapping presents and having a good time together with the family can lead to a lack of time perception. Over time the level of CO2 will accumulate to a level that can cause headache, which is a horrible way to end christmas night. This christmas ball will show when the level of CO2 is above a given threshold. I decided to have a threshold of 2000 ppm, but according to dhs.wisconsin.gov a level below 1000 is to be prefered.
The project uses the following components:
- ESP32-wroom-32E development board
- SCD30 sensor
- NeoPixel Jewel LED module
- Battery
- Cables
Put everything together as shown in the image. The ESP32 pin connection to the SCD30 sensor is as follows:
- GPIO21 > SDA
- GPIO22 > SCL
- 3.3V > 3V
NeoPixel Jewel
- GPIO27 > Data input
- 5V > 5V DC
I used Jaguar from Toit as it is really fast for developing in a non test-driven prototyping environment. It offers hotreload in a second, with the watch command.
Read more on how to set it up at Toit Jaguar.
jaguar watch src/main.toit
I found that the level of CO2 is usually too high in my working environment and it sure increases production to let some fresh air in.