FakeBook is a full-stack clone of the popular social media platform, Facebook. It provides all the core features you'd expect from a social media platform, such as user authentication, friend requests, timeline posts, media uploads, and real-time messaging. The project uses Node.js and Express for the backend API, MongoDB for data storage, and React for the frontend with hooks and functional components.
- Sign up and Sign in using JWT-based authentication.
- Password encryption using bcrypt for secure password storage.
- Create and update personal profiles including avatar, bio, and contact information.
- View profiles of other users, including posts, friends, and activities.
- Send and accept friend requests.
- View a list of current friends.
- Unfriend or block users as needed.
- Post images, videos, or text content to your personal timeline.
- Like, comment, and share posts from both friends and public users.
- View the timeline feed, sorted by recency and engagement.
- Upload images and videos to posts using Multer for file handling in Node.js.
- Support for file storage in Cloudinary (or local storage as a fallback).
- Real-time messaging between friends using Socket.io.
- View and search chat history.
- Notifications for new messages or friend requests.
- Get notified when someone likes, comments, or shares your post.
- Notification alerts for friend requests and message activities.
- Post Privacy Settings: Choose between public, friends-only, or private posts.
- Search: Search for users, friends, or posts.
- User Activity Feed: Track user activity like posting, commenting, and new friendships.
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive web application built with React.
- Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, bcrypt, Multer, Cloudinary, Socket.io
- React, React Hooks, Redux, Axios, Bootstrap
- MongoDB (NoSQL)
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Socket.io (for chat and notifications)
To get started with FakeBook, clone the repository and install the dependencies for both the backend and frontend.
git clone https://github.com/username/fakebook.git
cd facebook
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the backend directory with the following values:
MONGODB_URI=<Your MongoDB Connection String>
JWT_SECRET=<Your JWT Secret>
CLOUDINARY_SECRET=<Cloudinary Secret>
To start the backend server:
cd backend
npm run dev
cd frontend
npm start
- Sign Up: Create a new account with your personal details.
- Create Profile: After signing in, set up your profile by uploading a picture, adding a bio, and providing other information.
- Find Friends: Search for users and send friend requests.
- Post on Your Timeline: Share posts, images, or videos with friends or the public.
- Chat: Send and receive real-time messages with your friends.
- Engage: Like, comment, and share posts from your friends or other users.
- POST /api/auth/register - Register a new user
- POST /api/auth/login - Login an existing user
- User Profile
- GET /api/users/:id - Get user profile by ID
- PUT /api/users/:id - Update user profile
- POST /api/friends/request - Send a friend request
- POST /api/friends/accept - Accept a friend request
- DELETE /api/friends/remove/:id - Remove a friend
- POST /api/posts - Create a new post
- GET /api/posts - Get all posts (timeline)
- PUT /api/posts/:id/like - Like a post
- POST /api/posts/:id/comment - Comment on a post
- GET /api/messages/:friendId - Get chat history
- POST /api/messages - Send a message
We welcome contributions from the community! Feel free to fork the repo, create a feature branch, and submit a pull request with your improvements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.