Found at
- Betsy Beam found at
- John Ho found at
- Henwin Cuffy found at
Whether you're looking for love or just new people to hang out with, we are here for you! This app was built to bring people back together after the year we had in 2020. This app uses the Yelp API to find your favorite places to hang out. Users can then add them to their profile and connect with other individuals that have added that place to their favorites list.
- Log in
- Find your favorite spots to eat!
- Add them to your profile.
- Message other people that liked the same place.
- Go have a great time!!
- JWT Auth
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- React/JSX
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Heroku
- TA Squad
- Blake Romano found at GitHub:
- NavBar CSS By
- LogoFlow on Fiverr
- Email Verification
- Ice Breaker Questions ('Message Prompts')
- Ability To Block Other Users
- Add filter under liked favorite places to search by gender and what they are looking for on the app
- Betsy: The importance of understanding others' code and how to build upon it.
- John: As the de facto "programming leader," resolving conflicts and disputes on different aspects of the program.
- Henwin: Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and how to leverage them.