Query DynamoDB like MongoDB. A lightweight JSON model that simplifies DynamoDB's obscure query operations. It retains all original parameters and supports DynamoDB versions and future upgrades.
- Query condition is JSON format
- No need to consider complex expressions no matter query or update
- Column names can be any reserved keywords
- Return the correct int, float, number types
Create, modify, and drop DynamoDB tables
pip install dynamobase
from DynamoBase import DynamoBase
DynamoBase.table_region = "ap-southeast-2"
DynamoBase.table_name = "users"
DynamoBase.session = ... # if you need specific settings like aws profile, credentials etc.
# get a single item
user = DynamoBase.get_item(query={"first_name": "Jackson"})
# get a list of items, IndexName is optional
# query relate to KeyConditions, filter relate to FilterExpression
user = DynamoBase.get_items(query={"first_name": "Jackson"}, IndexName='ix_name')
# get the first item, IndexName is optional
user = DynamoBase.get_first(query={"first_name": "Jackson"}, IndexName='ix_name')
# insert an item
DynamoBase.put_item(Item={"first_name": "Jackson"})
# update an item, Item is part or all of item
DynamoBase.update_item(query={"first_name": "Jackson"}, Item={'field': 12345})
# delete an item
DynamoBase.delete_item(query={"first_name": "Jackson"})
- Create the corresponding model for each table.
from DynamoBase import DynamoBase
class User(DynamoBase):
table_region = "ap-southeast-2"
table_name = "users"
- Query database
user = User.get_first(query={"first_name": "Jackson"})
- (Optional) You can also create a base-model to configure common properties, such as region and credentials
from DynamoBase import DynamoBase
class BaseModel(DynamoBase):
table_region = "ap-southeast-2"
from BaseModel import BaseModel
class User(BaseModel):
table_name = "users"
- (Optional) Extend your classes to meet your business needs
from DynamoBase import DynamoBase
class User(DynamoBase):
table_region = "ap-southeast-2"
table_name = "users"
def get_item(cls, **kwargs):
def other_method(cls, **kwargs):
- More example
res = Article.get_item(query={"_id": "hH2ZZTgQqzgK888zrkG8ui"})
print(1, res)
res = Article.get_items(
query={"category_id": 1, "created_at": {">": 1}},
print(2, res)
res = Article.get_items(
query={"_id": "ewTx3gannQUinM7ECjpQad", "url": {"begins_with": "1"}},
print(3, res)
res = Article.get_first(
query={"category_id": 1, "created_at": {"between": [1670367685098, 1670367663116]}},
print(4, res)
res = Article.put_item(Item={"_id": "123", "data": {"a": 123}})
print(5, res)
res = Article.update_item(query={"_id": "123"}, Item={"data": {"a": 456}})
print(6, res)
res = Article.delete_item(query={"_id": "123"})
print(7, res)
res = Article.get_items(
query={"status": 1},
ProjectionExpression="title, #url",
ExpressionAttributeNames={"#url": "url"},
All "GET" operations support: = | <= | < | >= | > | begins_with | between
Name | Type | Example | description |
query | dict | {"id": 123} | query must be primary key (and sort key) |
Name | Type | description |
query | dict | query can be primary key or GSI columns |
filter | dict | any fields and any values |
IndexName | String | required if query is GSI or LSI |
Select | String | |
AttributesToGet | List | |
Limit | int | |
ConsistentRead | String | |
KeyConditions | dict | |
QueryFilter | dict | |
ConditionalOperator | String | |
ScanIndexForward | boolean | |
ExclusiveStartKey | dict | |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | |
ProjectionExpression | String | |
FilterExpression | boto3.dynamodb.conditions.Attr |
Name | Type | Example |
Item | dict | {"id": 123} |
Name | Type | Example | description |
query | dict | {"id": 123} | query must be primary key (and sort key) |
Item | dict | {"field": "some value"} | -- |
Name | Type | Example | description |
query | dict | {"id": 123} | query must be primary key (and sort key) |