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Set Basic Values

Lumiq Creative edited this page May 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

/buildSrc/src/main/java/MyApp.kt defines the ID and version information for your app:

const val appId = ""
const val version = 206
const val versionName = "2.0.6"

Set the App ID

Every Android app has a unique identifier like This is used by Android and Google Play, and must remain unchanged between app releases. The naming rules are as follows:

  • IDs must comprise at least two segments, separated by full stops.
  • All segments of an ID must start with a letter.
  • In segments, only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed.

The app ID and package name are independent, but you would usually name them the same.

To set the app ID, edit the following:

const val appId = ""

Set Version Information

Two versioning settings are available.


This is used as versionCode.

This is an internal version number governed by two rules:

  • version must be a positive integer no larger than 2100000000.
  • The value must increase with each new release of your app.

To set version, edit the following:

const val version = 206


This is a user-facing string, such as 1.2 or 1.2 Beta 1. To set versionName, edit the following:

const val versionName = "2.0.6"


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