The easiest way to get up and running is using Docker. Once the Docker CLI is installed from
Run the following and add stripe API key.
cp .env.sample .env
To build and run application on docker
To start docker container
docker-compose up
- Can access api server via http://localhost:3000/api
docker-compose run subscription npx sequelize model:create --name Test --attributes name:string
Swagger documentation available for each services.
- Instant feedback and reload
- Use Nodemon to automatically reload the server after a file change when on development mode, makes the development faster and easier.
- Scalable and easy to use web server
- Use Express for requests routing and middlewares. There are some essential middlewares for web APIs already setup, like body-parser, compression, CORS and method-override.
- Database integration
- Sequelize, an ORM for SQL databases, is already integrated, you just have to set the authentication configurations.
- Prepared for testing
- The test suite uses Jest and is prepared to run unit, integration and functional tests right from the beginning.
- CLI integration
- Both the application and Sequelize have command-line tools to make it easy to work with them. Check the Scripts section to know more about this feature.
- Logging
- The Log4js logger is highly pluggable, being able to append the messages to a file during the development and send them to a logging service when on production. Even the requests (through morgan) and queries will be logged.
- Linter
- It's also setup with ESLint to make it easy to ensure a code styling and find code smells.