TasteBuds: Order food online.
Mobile application built using Flutter, NodeJS, MongoDB and sqflite(SQL package for local storage)
The app Tastebuds is built over a stack of Flutter, MongoDB, NodeJS and Express. Flutter is a google project which has a stable version for mobile application development. Flutter framework uses dart which is an object oriented progamming language. Flutter is used here to make the frontend of the application with various packages installed along with features required in the app. The app uses the Bloc architecture (Business Logic Component) especially made for flutter framework based mobile applications. This architecture helps in managing the state of the mobile and helps in flow of data across the application. For local data storage I have used SQL based sqflite library.
The Backend of the project is connected to frontend through the APIs made with NodeJS framework. The server is made with an express package available as a npm package in NodeJS. For encryption of data the bcrypt package is used. It generates tokens which are used to authenticate the API request coming from the client side. The Backend is connected to mongoDB using the mongoose package and the server is deployed on the heroku platform. RazorPay is used to manage all the payments in the App.
View complete project report here
- Flutter
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Jalak Patel (https://github.com/jalakp19)