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  • Functions to measure a single function
  • Functions to measure and compare different functions
  • Works with sync and async code
  • Included functions to format and display results in the console


npm i -P @jalik/benchmark
yarn add @jalik/benchmark

Measure a single function

To measure a single synchronous function, use measureSync(func, iterations).

import { measureSync } from '@jalik/benchmark';

function logHelloWorld () {
  console.log('hello world');

// Run function 1000 times
const result = measureSync(logHelloWorld, 1000);

To measure an asynchronous function, use measure(asyncFunc, iterations).

import { measure } from '@jalik/benchmark';

function logHelloWorld () {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('hello world')
  }, 2000);

// Run function 100 times
measure(logHelloWorld, 100).then((result) => {
  // do something with the result...

The result object of a measure looks like this:

interface MeasureResult {
  average: number;
  fastest: number;
  ips: number;
  ipsAccuracy: number;
  ipsRounded: number;
  iterations: number;
  median: number;
  slowest: number;
  total: number;

You can show measure result in the console with logMeasureResult(result).

import { logMeasureResult } from '@jalik/benchmark';

const test = () => console.log("Hello World");
const iterations = 1000;

// sync version.
const result1 = measureSync(test, iterations);

// async version.
measure(test, iterations).then((result2) => {
iterations/s: 82 ±-0.36%
total: 1224.95 ms
average: 12.25 ms
median: 11.93 ms
fastest: 11.58 ms
slowest: 24.43 ms

Measure several functions

To measure several synchronous functions, use benchmarkSync(jobs, iterations).

import { benchmarkSync } from '@jalik/benchmark';

function incrementPlusPlus () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    // do something

function incrementPlusEqual () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i += 1) {
    // do something

const jobs = {

// Run each function 1000 times 
const result = benchmarkSync(jobs, 1000);

To measure several asynchronous functions, use benchmark(jobs, iterations).

import { benchmark } from '@jalik/benchmark';

function job1 () {
  // return promise...;

function job2 () {
  // return promise...;

const jobs = {

// Run each function 1000 times 
benchmark(jobs, 1000).then((result) => {
  // do something with the result

The result object of a benchmark looks like this:

interface BenchmarkResult {
  [key: string]: MeasureResult;

You can show benchmark result in the console with logBenchmarkResult(result).

import {
} from '@jalik/benchmark';

// sync version
const result1 = benchmarkSync({
  doSomethingSlow: () => { /* ... */ },
  doSomethingFast: () => { /* ... */ },
}, 1000);


// async version
  doSomethingSlow: () => { /* ... */ },
  doSomethingFast: () => { /* ... */ },
}, 1000).then((result2) => {
#1 doSomethingFast
iterations/s: 1250 ±0.00%
total: 8.00 ms
average: 0.80 ms
median: 1.00 ms
fastest: 0.00 ms
slowest: 1.00 ms

#2 doSomethingSlow
iterations/s: 40 ±0.00%
total: 250.00 ms
average: 25.00 ms
median: 25.00 ms
fastest: 24.00 ms
slowest: 27.00 ms


History of releases is in the changelog.


The code is released under the MIT License.