H.A.L. (Hypertext Application Language) TypeScript declarations and functions.
- Create HAL resources
- Create HAL paginated resources
- Consume HAL embedded data
- TypeScript declarations ♥
npm i -P @jalik/hal
yarn add @jalik/hal
import { createHalResource } from '@jalik/hal'
const user = {
username: 'admin'
const roles = [
{ name: 'administrator' }
// we can add links to roles (optional)
const rolesResources = roles.map((role) => createHalResource(role, undefined, {
self: { href: `http://localhost/roles/${role.name}` }
const embedded = {
roles: rolesResources
const links = {
self: { href: 'http://localhost/users/admin' }
const resource = createHalResource(user, embedded, links)
import { createHalPagedResource } from '@jalik/hal'
const users = [
{ username: 'admin' },
{ username: 'john' }
// we can add links to users (optional)
const usersResources = users.map((user) => createHalResource(user, undefined, {
self: { href: `http://localhost/users/${user.username}` }
const embedded = {
users: usersResources
const page = {
number: 3,
size: 2,
totalElements: 10,
totalPages: 5
const links = {
first: 'http://localhost/users?p=1',
prev: 'http://localhost/users?p=2',
self: 'http://localhost/users?p=3',
next: 'http://localhost/users?p=4',
last: 'http://localhost/users?p=5',
const resource = createHalPagedResource(embedded, page, links)
import { getHalEmbedded } from '@jalik/hal'
const doc = {
username: 'admin',
_embedded: {
roles: [
{ name: 'administrator' },
{ name: 'member' }
const embedded = getHalEmbedded(doc)
// embedded = { roles[] }
import { getHalLinks } from '@jalik/hal'
const doc = {
username: 'admin',
_links: {
self: { href: 'http://localhost/users/admin' }
const links = getHalLinks(doc)
// links = { self }
import { getHalPage } from '@jalik/hal'
const doc = {
_embedded: { users: [] },
page: {
number: 1,
size: 0,
totalElements: 0,
totalPages: 1
const page = getHalPage(doc)
// page = { number, size, totalElements, totalPages }
History of releases is in the changelog on GitHub.
The code is released under the MIT License.