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ripe-updater is an API wrapper tool between NetBox and RIPE-DB, to keep INETNUM and INET6NUM objects updated.


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ripe-updater is an API wrapper tool between NetBox and RIPE-DB, to keep INETNUM and INET6NUM objects updated. Initial work has started at SysEleven and development continued at

ripe-updater is a Flask based Python app. The code is available on GitHub


  • Using NetBox Webhooks on Prefix updates
  • Templates for RIPE-DB attributes
  • Backups of overwritten/deleted objects (stored in S3)
  • Email reporting
  • handling of overlapping INET(6)NUM objects



  • NetBox 2.4 or later
  • Python 3.8 or later

Getting started

These steps are mandatory to get ripe-updater up and running.

  1. deploy ripe-updater
  2. configure ripe-updater
  3. configure NetBox
  4. setup templates

Containerized (recommended)

Copy and edit .env

cp .env.example .env
vi .env
docker run \
  -p 8000:80 \
  -v "/home/user/ripe-updater/templates:/opt/ripeupdater/templates:ro" \
  --env-file .env \


Copy and edit docker-compose.override.yml

cp docker-compose.override.example.yml docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose up -d

Installation on Linux

Edit ripeupdater/

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m gunicorn -b :80 -w 2 ripeupdater.main:app

Note for production deployments

For production use it is recommended, to setup a reverse proxy e.g. Nginx in front of the ripe-updater and add an SSL certificate, e.g. letsencrypt.


Configuration is set via environment variables, but you can also edit ripeupdater/

parameter values default description
DEBUG yes/no no enables verbose logging
MAIL_REPORT yes/no no enables email-reporting
SMTP url url or ip of smtp server
SMTP_STARTTLS yes/no no use STARTTLS when connecting to smtp server
SENDER_MAIL email - sender mail of email-reports
RECIPIENT_MAIL email - receiver of email-reports
UPDATE_TOKEN string - if set, each netbox webhook must contain this tokes as Authorisation header
NETBOX_URL url - url of your netbox instance
NETBOX_TOKEN string - netbox token, which can read prefixes, aggregates, regions and sites
DEFAULT_COUNTRY ISO3166-II country - default country if none could be determined, e.g. DE or NL
TEMPLATES_DIR path /opt/ripeupdater/templates location of templates
RIPE_MNT_PASSWORD string - ripe maintainer password with write permissions to your INET(6)NUM objects
RIPE_DB RIPE/TEST TEST which ripe-db to use
RIPE_TEST_MNT string TEST-DBM-MNT which maintainer to use in the TEST database, as your maintainer may not be present
RIPE_TEST_ORG string ORG-EIPB1-TEST which organisation to use in the TEST database, as your organisation may not be present
RIPE_TEST_PERSON string AA1-TEST which person to use in the TEST database, as your person may not be present
RIPE_TEST_STATUS_V4 string ALLOCATED PA which status to use in the TEST database, as your status may not be able to be set. Your parent INETNUM object, with your MNT-LOWER attribute set to your maintainer may be missing.
RIPE_TEST_STATUS_V6 string ALLOCATED PA which status to use in the TEST database, as your status may not be able to be set. Your parent INET6NUM object, with your MNT-LOWER attribute set to your maintainer may be missing.
SMALLEST_PREFIX_V4 0-32 31 prefix length bigger than this limit will not be handled
SMALLEST_PREFIX_V6 0-128 127 prefix length bigger than this limit will not be handled
S3_BACKUP yes/no no enable or disable S3 backups
S3_ENDPOINT_URL url - specify url of your s3 endpoint
S3_ACCESS_KEY string - access key to your s3 storage
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string - secret access key to your s3 storage
S3_BUCKET string - bucket to store backups in

NetBox configuration

You'll need to add three custom fields to NetBox and data needs to be structured in a specific way.

custom field - lir

  • Name: lir
  • Label: LIR
  • Assigned Models: ipam -> aggregates
  • Type: Selection
  • Required: yes
  • Choices: all LIRs you are responsible for
  • Description: RIPE Local Internet Registry

custom field - ripe_report

  • Name: ripe_report
  • Label: RIPE Report
  • Assigned Models: ipam -> prefixes
  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: false
  • Description: should this prefix be in RIPE-DB

custom field - ripe_template

  • Name: ripe_template
  • Label: RIPE Template
  • Assigned Models: ipam -> prefixes
  • Type: Selection
  • Required: no
  • Choices: all templates you have created

region - country

Your sites need to have a country as a parent region found in iso3166.countries_by_name


add a webhook to NetBox:

  • Name: ripe-updater
  • Enabled: yes
  • Events: Create, Update, Delete
  • HTTP Request
    • HTTP Method: POST
    • Payload URL: http(s)://your-ripe-updater-host/update
    • HTTP Content Type: application/json
  • Assigned Models: ipam | prefix
  • Additional Headers - if you have set a token in ripe-updater config, set it here
    • Authorisation: Token YOURTOKEN
  • SSL - enable if you have a valid SSL Certificate for your ripe-updater


Templates are devided into three components.

  1. lir_org.json - a list of LIRs you are responsible for, each mapped to a organisation object.
  2. base_something.json - a base template with INET(6)NUM attributes. E.g. you have one for yourself and one for each customer which needs to have different attributes (e.g. abuse-c) in RIPE-DB.
  3. templates.json - a list of templates. These must be also added to NetBox custom field choices of ripe_template. Each mapped to a base template.

With the provided example .env file you should be able to test your templates in the TEST database.

setup list of LIRs

  • copy and edit lir_org.json cp templates/lir_org.example.json templates/lir_org.json
  • Add each LIR you are responsible for to an organisation object like "de.examplelir1": "ORG-EIPB1-TEST",

setup your templates

  • You should create a template for each case, where you want to document different attributes to your INET(6)NUM objects. E.g. like a different abuse-c
  • You can take templates/base_mycompany.example.json as a starting point.
  • You must include an empty statement: {"org": ""}, to autofill organisation attributes from your lir_org list.

setup list of templates

  • Copy and edit templates.json cp templates/templates.example.json templates/templates.json
  • Add your templates you are planning to use like
            "CLOUD-POOL": {"attributes": [
            {"descr": "MyCompany Cloud Pool"}
            "inherit": "base_mycompany.json"


If you have enabled and configured a S3 backup storage, you can browse the json representation of deleted or overwritten objects at http(s)://your-ripe-updater-host/backups. To restore a backup manually, you can post the json file to the RIPE database:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @prefix.json ''


To run the unit tests, run

pip install tox

Known limitations

  • Having Ripe-Report set for parent and it's child-prefixes will fail, as you can only have one level of prefixes below your aggregates in RIPE-DB.
    • Workaround: Disable Ripe-Reporting of the parent or child prefixes.
  • Extending a prefix in NetBox (e.g. /27 to /26) will fail, as there is not deterministic way of detecting this.
    • Workaround: Disable Ripe-Reporting of this prefix, extend prefix size, reenable Ripe-Reporting

Initial Authors


ripe-updater is an API wrapper tool between NetBox and RIPE-DB, to keep INETNUM and INET6NUM objects updated.







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  • Python 97.4%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Other 1.5%