This project was created for HackVerse 2023 by Team 520 .
Problem Statement • Solution • Key Features • How To Use •
Inefficiencies and inabilities of our current system to effectively report, handle and communicate in times of emergencies
- No quick and easy way for reporting
- Lack of usage of automated technologies to detect various accidents
- Lack of an automatable endpoint for such emergencies
- Lack of effective communication resources between various rapid response services
Quick and easy way for people to report accidents and request emergency services. The platform consists of a websitallows users to report accidents in real-time, including information such as the location, type of accident, and required help such as ambulance, police, and fire force.
We have also done two automated emergency reporting mechanisms :
- OpenCV based fire detection
- Node-MCU based fire detector using flame sensor
Real-time updates using Firebase.
Integration with Maps.
User Authentication using Mobile Number
Clean and simple UI
Easy to read and write endpoints
Automated Detection System Integration
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd RapidAlert
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start