Full customizable rolling switch widget for flutter apps forked from this library
Custom Switch button with attractive animation,
made to allow you to customize colors, icons, custom widget and other cosmetic content.
Manage the widget states in the same way you do with the classical material's switch widget.
Import this library into your project:
roling_switch: ^latest_version
onChanged: (bool state) {
print('turned ${(state) ? 'on' : 'off'}');
rollingInfoRight: const RollingIconInfo(
icon: Icons.flag,
text: Text('Flag'),
rollingInfoLeft: const RollingIconInfo(
icon: Icons.check,
backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
text: Text('Check'),
- Create a custom widget, use:
const RollingWidgetInfo(icon: FlutterLogo())
- Change color background between transactions left/right
RollingSwitch.icon( rollingInfoRight: const RollingIconInfo( backgroundColor: Colors.green, ), rollingInfoLeft: const RollingIconInfo( backgroundColor: Colors.grey, ), )
- Change Circular color
RollingSwitch.icon( ... circularColor: (icon: FlutterLogo()) )
- Create a custom text indicator
RollingSwitch.icon( rollingInfoRight: const RollingIconInfo( text: Text('Flag'), ), rollingInfoLeft: const RollingIconInfo( text: Text('Stack'), ), )
- Enable drag switch
RollingSwitch.icon( ... enableDrag: true )