Multilateration solver for the geolocation of an emitting object given the TDoA alone, or in combination with FDoA, of the signal measured by multiple recievers. Implemented in Python.
Algorithm | Constraints | Notes | Status |
TDoA algorithm[1] | Emitter altitude must be known (can be zero). Limited to max. 3 receivers. | Will be extended to allow > 3 recievers | Functional |
FDoA algorithm[1] | Emitter altitude must be known (can be zero). Satellite velocities must be known. | In-progress | |
Least squares | Planned |
[1] The geolocation solution outlined by Ho & Chan (1997).
Simple example using the data given in Section VI of Ho & Chan (1997). With a known emitter location and three receivers, generate TDoA data and re-calculate the emitter location.
from geolocation.solver import verify, solver, system
from geolocation.utils import earth_model
# Emitter location
h_emitter = 0.0 # meters above sea level
lat_emitter = 45.35
lon_emitter = 75.9
# Satellite locations
sat_r = [42164, 42164, 42164] #km
sat_lat = [2.0, 0.0, 0.0]
sat_lon = [-50.0, -47.0, -53.0]
# dummy tdoa
tdoa = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# Find emitter distance from origin
r_local = earth_model.local_earth_radius(lat = lat_emitter, lon = lon_emitter)
r_emitter = r_local + h_emitter
# Pass satellite data and dummy TDoA to set sat_data dataframe and convert units.
sys = system.System(satellite_positions = np.array([sat_r,sat_lat,sat_lon]).T,
is_geographic_coords = True,
r_emitter = r_emitter,
TDoA_data = tdoa,
scale_distance = 1000.0,
sat_data = sys.sat_data
# Generate TDoA data using the known emitter location and
# some assumed measurement error
tdoa = verify.generate_TDOA(sat_data = sat_data,
r_emitter = r_emitter,
lat_emitter = lat_emitter,
lon_emitter = lon_emitter,
tdoa_var = 1.e-11)
# Reinitialise the system with new TDoA data
sys = system.System(satellite_positions = np.array(sat_data[['r','latitude','longitude']]),
is_geographic_coords = True,
r_emitter = r_emitter,
TDoA_data = tdoa,
# Solve.
s = solver.Solver(sys)