This is a short java program implemented to accept the standard instrumentation output from Android test and create HTML and junit XML reports.
WARNING: This software is used as-is without any warranty. Please use your own judgement when using this for your project.
In some cases, you may only need to run an adb command to execute the tests. In this case, the only output you would receive is the standard instrumentation output which isn't easily human readable. It also creates a junit XML report which you can us in Jenkins or similar software.
The android tools for gradle has actually already implemented a parser here. However, it's built for listening to tests and not for reading from STDIN. This code repository is a slight modification of that code base and is intended to be used with the standard output from an instrumentation command which is written to a file.
./gradlew clean shadowJar
adb shell am instrument -w <test_package_name>/<runner_class> | java -classpath /path/to/Instrumentationpretty-all.jar InstrumentationPretty
cat /path/to/instrument/log/file | java -classpath /path/to/Instrumentationpretty-all.jar InstrumentationPretty
cat /path/to/instrument/log/file | java -classpath /path/to/Instrumentationpretty-all.jar InstrumentationPretty -o <yourDirectoryHere>
Note: if the directory doesn't exist it will be created. By default the output directory is the current working directory/reports as shown by this line in
reportDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/reports");
example html output
example junit output
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<testsuite name="Instrumentation results" tests="1" failures="0" errors="0" time="2.798" timestamp="2019-01-13T01:08:25" hostname="localhost">
<properties />
<testcase name="testAlert" classname="" time="0.0" />