Julia tools for working with the Crystallographic Information Framework, including reading data files in Crystallographic Information Format (CIF) versions 1 and 2 (this includes mmCIF files from the PDB). As CIF format is a significant subset of STAR format, files in STAR format are likely to read in without problems. The tools also understand dictionaries written in DDLm and DDL2, which can be used to return correct types and find aliased datanames (note that this includes the PDB mmCIF dictionaries).
Although some types and methods may change in later versions, in general the API has stabilised.
If you see ways to improve the naming or architecture, now is the time to raise an issue.
The current release will be the basis of the first stable release.
Once Julia is installed, it is sufficient to add CrystalInfoFramework
at the Pkg prompt (accessed by the ]
character in the REPL).
Detailed documentation is becoming progressively available here.
Type Cif
is like a Dict{String,Block}
. A
works like a Dict{String,Array{Any,1}}
. All returned
values are Arrays, even if the data name appears as a key-value
pair in the file. Primitive values are always String
CIF2 Tables become julia Dict
types, and CIF2 lists are julia
Even in the presence of a dictionary, DDLm Set category values are returned as 1-element Arrays. This may change in the future
objects are created by calling the Cif
constructor with a
file name. The optional argument native
switches between the
C cif_api parser (native=false
not currently available for Windows) and a native Julia parser
, the default). A Cif
can be created directly from a
in CIF format by calling cif_from_string
To open a file, and read _cell.length_a
from block only_block
returning a one-element Array{String,1}
julia> using CrystalInfoFramework
julia> nc = Cif("my_cif.cif")
julia> my_block = nc["only_block"] #could also use first(nc).second
julia> l = my_block["_cell.length_a"]
1-element Array{Any,1}:
returns a DataFrame
object that can be manipulated using the
methods of that package, most obviously, eachrow
to iterate over the
packets in a loop:
julia> l = get_loop(my_block,"_atom_site.label")
julia> for r in eachrow(l)
Values are added in the same way as for a normal dictionary.
my_block["_new_item"] = [1,2,3]
If the dataname belongs to a loop, following assignment of the value the
new dataname can be added to a previously-existing loop. The following
call adds _new_item
to the loop containing _old_item
The number of values in the array assigned to _new_item
must match
the length of the loop - this is checked.
CIF dictionaries are created by passing the dictionary file name to
or DDL2_Dictionary
Use show(io::IO,::MIME"text/cif",d)
to produce
correctly-formatted dictionaries or data files.
The C cif_api library parsing callbacks are used
to construct a Cif
object during file traversal. The Julia parser uses
a pre-built parser generated by Lerche
using a CIF
EBNF to produce a parse tree that is then transformed into a Cif
Read the tests in the tests directory for typical usage examples.
Contributions, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome! Please use Github issues and pull requests to do this.