A generalized UC client.
The UcClient library can be used with any of the versioned client libraries such as Axl, Sxml, or even with the non-soap APIs such as webex's XML based REST API. Just reference UcClient along with a generated api client similar to the unit tests.
public bool SipTrunktoCupExists()
var risClient = new RisClient(new UcClientSettings { Server = "", User = "administrator", Password = "ciscopsdt" });
var result = risClient.Execute(client =>
var criteria = new CmSelectionCriteria()
MaxReturnedDevices = 1000,
DeviceClass = "Any",
Model = 255, //refers to any device, full listing here: https://developer.cisco.com/site/sxml/documents/api-reference/risport/#ModelTable
Status = "Any",
NodeName = string.Empty, //null for all nodes
SelectBy = CmSelectBy.Name,
SelectItems = new ArrayOfSelectItem() { new SelectItem() { Item = "SIPTrunktoCUP" } },
//SelectItems = new ArrayOfSelectItem(), //blank for everything
Protocol = ProtocolType.Any,
DownloadStatus = DeviceDownloadStatus.Any,
var res = client.selectCmDevice(string.Empty, criteria);
return res;
if (result.Exception != null)
throw result.Exception;
Return result.Value.SelectCmDeviceResult.TotalDevicesFound == 1;