A list of awesome things related to Quasar
- Official Documentation
- Official Guide
- Official Components
- Showcase with Material Design Theme
- Showcase with iOS Theme
- Quasar GitHub Repo
- Quasar CLI GitHub Repo
- Quasar Release Notes
Looking forward to fill this in
Quasar Brazil - Telegram ChannelMoved to Official Discord in #brazil channel.
Author | Links | Description | Quasar |
hawkeye64 | Medium, github | Building an Electron File Explorer with Quasar (and Vue) | v0.17.18 |
Patrick Monteiro | YouTube | Introduction to the Quasar Framework | v0.17.18 |
Patrick Monteiro | Article | E2E Test with Cypress in the Quasar Framework(pt-br) | v0.17.18 |
Danny Connell | YouTube | Quasar Framework: Create a Vue js app & deploy to web, mobile app & desktop app in 30 minutes! | v0.17.20 |
Danny Connell | YouTube | Quasar Framework V1 Course Preview: Create a Real-World, Cross-Platform App | v1.0.0-beta.19 |
Name | Links | Description | Quasar |
Quasar calendar | github | A full calendar display in multiple formats that accepts event data and display it in month, week, multi-day, single day and agenda views | v0.15.6 |
Laqu-l | github | A complete starter kit that allows you create amazing apps that look native thanks to the Quasar Framework. Powered by an API developed in Laravel Framework using the easy GraphQL queries language. And ready to use the Google Firebase features. | v0.15.10 |
Quasar Cloud | github | An online file manager project (like dropbox) showing usage of axios, vuex, validation, authentication | v0.15.10 |
Quasar Snippets | github, Marketplace | Quasar components' snippets for VSCode that can increase your productivity working on Quasar projects. | v0.17.x |
Quasar Steem Beneficiaries | github npm |
A Quasar/Vue component for easily adding beneficiaries support to your Steem dapp. | v0.17.16 |
Quasar Auth Starter | github | Starter kit for token based authentication | v1.0.0-beta.1 |
QInputEx Component | github | The Advance Input Component for Quasar is used as single-line input box for date, time, password, color, select etc. | v1.0.0-beta.1 |
swipe-to-close | github | A Quasar Framework app extension that allows you to close dialogs by swiping. | v1.0.0-beta.15 |
Name | Links | Description | Quasar |
Alighieri | github, website | A distraction-free writer tool | v0.14 |
P.volve | website | Video workout subscription, landing pages, also includes weight tracking, photo upload, etc. for subscribers | v0.15.9 |
Brotheld | android, ios | Brotheld (Bread Hero), a german app for hobby bakers | v0.14 |
MyClinic | android, ios | Application for displaying and managing medical clinic examination room status | v0.14 |
Weacast | github, website | Open source platform to gather, expose and make use of weather forecast data | v0.13.10 |
CryptoPrice | github, android | An app to inform us of price (USD & EUR) of the main crypto-coins | v0.14.4 |
Quran App | website, android | Quran Lite with English translation | v0.14.4 |
SHUhelper | github, website | Open source university online community and toolkits | v0.14.7 |
2018 Quarterly Tax Estimator | android, iOS, Mac App Store | Estimates quarterly taxes and taxes to save per paycheck | v0.14 |
Go2See | website | Russian online travel service | v0.14.7 |
Guitar Workshop | website | E-commerce shop, library, streaming video player, real time chat | v0.15.9 |
Karrot (Foodsaving Worldwide) | github, website | A web-app to support foodsaving groups worldwide, with the goal to save our common resources as much as possible | v0.14.8 |
onvif-nvt-snapshot-vue-sample | github | An onvif-nvt (package) sample project for snapshots and PTZ using Vue 2.5 and Quasar 0.14.7 | v0.14.7 |
Finca Report | website/android/ios | Sistema de informacion para el cultivo de palma africana | v0.15.3 |
SoFoot | android, ios | SO FOOT is an iOS & Android mobile football news application, seen differently. With original and offbeat content, the app is based on real time and smart content feed to make it simple and accessible with a scroll. | v0.14.7 |
PaintTubeTV | website | Shop, library, streaming video player, real time chat | v0.15.9 |
MyBibou | android, ios | MyBibou is an iOS & Android mobile application that simplifies the life of parents for successful family outings. The app geolocates users on a map and give them relevant information based on their needs and situation. | v0.14.7 |
Budgex | pwa | Budget and expense tracker | v0.15.1 |
Booly | website | A people-matching tool | v0.14.6 |
Takista | android, github | To Do Lists Manager | v0.13.4 |
Blinga! | website, android, ios | A points program and guide for selling products and services in cities. | v0.14.0 |
Charging Stations | github | Charging stations viewer hybrid app | v0.14 |
Carpool 3D | website | Carpool 3D Truck | v0.14.7 |
The Amusing Development | website | Portfolio website | v0.14.7 |
Habot | github | A chatbot for openHAB using machine-learning natural language processing from OpenNLP | v0.14.6 |
TMdb | website, github | Quasar app with The Movie DB catalog | v0.14.7 |
Take Action | android, ios | v0.14.5 | |
Voting Daap | github | E-voting | v0.14 |
Kanttum | website | Teacher training without complication | v0.14.8 |
Stock Scanner | github | Working Demo of Barcode/QR code scanner using VueJs+Quasar+Cordova | v0.13.4 |
ShockPro | ios | Maintenance Interval Tracking | v0.12 |
My Spells | website | 5e Personal Spellbook | v0.13.9 |
Tigris | github | Micro-learning for professionals | v0.13 |
Pilgrim and Wanderer's Songbook | android, ios | Mobile Application Songbooks has been created for one of the biggest Protestant Church. | v0.15.12 |
dockJob | github, docker hub | Job scheduler with a web UI - designed to run inside a container. | v0.15.5 |
Your Daily Walk | website | Subscription ecommerce, workout video calendar, streaming video player, real time chat | v0.15.9 |
Chronocross | android | Productivity tool that combines Pomodoro Technique and Eisenhower Matrix. | v0.15.10 |
Jornal Pelicano | android | Mobile application for a Navy Web Journal | v0.14.1 |
Vuenote | github | Vuenote is the simplest note app. | v0.15.10 |
Sifร | pwa | Social platform for buyer groups | v0.15.10 |
Realworld Conduit | github | Medium.com clone | v0.15.10 |
vue-quasar-admin | website,github | admin-dashboard | v0.15.14 |
letsbutterfly(tm) | pwa | Real estate platform in your pocket. https://letsbutterfly.com | v0.15.10 |
quasar-documentation++ | github | All-in-one Quasar Documentation | v0.16.0 |
Dolphin Note | website | A Simple and Elegant markdown note application. | v0.15.14 |
Quicknote | website | A Simple and Elegant markdown quicknote DApp. | v0.15.14 |
T9N Manager | website | Translation manager for developers | v0.16.0 |
Kicktrack | website, Android, iOS | Foosball score keeper | v0.16.0 |
Musical Data | website | Access Spotify's data of your favorite music. | v0.16.0 |
Nebide | website | Cross-platform Nebulas smart contract IDE. | v0.16.0 |
Nick Zuccarelli | website | A portfolio website for Nick Zuccarelli (a.k.a: me!) | v0.16.0 |
jQuizzer | android | Simple Java 8 Quiz / Trainer App | v0.16.0 |
SA Email Builder | website | Email template builder v4 | v1.0.0-beta.11 |
Boid.com | website | A blockchain based social computing platform. Homepage and web/electron app are pure Quasar. | v0.16.4 |
Dappos Ethereum POS | github, website | A Point of Sale (POS) app like Square! For Ethereum payments. Open in a Mobile wallet and receive customer's payments with an intuitive UI. | v0.17 |
INTI | website | Online white-label ticketing system with CRM and custom Applications | Latest |
Fastient | PWA | A journaling and stats tracking application for extended fasts. | v0.17.10 |
Squync | SPA | Music library. | v0.14 |
CidadeMOB | pwa, android, ios | (Brazil) Application that offers services of the city hall for citizens | v0.17.13 |
GH Follower | android | Simple app to get push notifications on a GitHub repository new release | v0.17.5 |
Omnia Livestream | SPA | Free & affordable livestream provider for churches and ministries. Livestream to your website, Facebook, and YouTube, worldwide CDN, and Auto-Archiving. | v0.15.14 |
Romi | PWA, Android | eCommerce applications | v0.17.9 |
Just Go Vote! | website/PWA, ios, android | App makes it easier for people to vote, and encourages them to do so in the upcoming mid-terms. | v0.17.17 |
StemQ | stemq.io | Questions and Answers app dedicated to STEM topics and rewarding contributors with Steem cryptocurrency. | v0.17.16 |
Neolink | website | Online store. | v0.17.17 |
Tenpin Toolkit | iOS, Android | App featuring a collection of tools to help tenpin bowlers and coaches develop their skills and improve their games. | v0.17.17 |
Trainero.com | website, iOS, android | All-in-one App for a Personal Trainer with +35000 users world-wide | v0.17.18 |
HyperSign | Youtube, GitHub | Hypersign is a cryptography based SingleSignOn Solution that enables users to securely access [Web/Blockchain/Federated] applications without providing their access credentials [usernames and passwords]. | v0.13 |
schild.report | github, German article | This electron app is a report generator that works with schild data (German student administration) | v0.17.18 |
P4wnP1_aloa | website | Pentesting Framework for the Rapsberry Pi Zero W | v0.17.16 |
CineMatch | website, iOS, android | A list app to organise films, tv shows and make shared watchlists! | v1-beta.15 |
RankUp | website | RankUp is a website that allows you to find teammates on cooperative and competitive video games like Overwatch or Rainbow Six Siege (more to come), build your team, and stay updated about video game news | v0.17.19 |
Email Snippets | mac, ios | Replying to the same emails over and over again? Do it in a snip with Email Snippets! Just choose your snippet to copy it to your clipboard, then paste into your Email app. | v0.17.20 |
Counter Calculator | ios | Need a counter / tally app that also lets you do those difficult calculations? Counter Calculator is the app for you! | v0.17.20 |
Map Marker Generator | website | A Free Online Tool To Generate Custom Map Icons On The Fly | v0.17.19 |
spoonacular | website, Android, iOS | spoonacular food companion, meal planner, and shopping list | v0.17.20 |
+Economicas | Android, iOS | An unofficial student made app for public univeristy students from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. | v0.16.4 |
+FADU | Android, iOS | An unofficial student made app for public univeristy students from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. | v0.17.9 |
Monocle Reader | website | A modern and elegant RSS Reader. Feedly meets Pocket. | v0.17.23 |
Blue Moon Camera and Machine | website | Custom E-Commerce with realtime POS system inventory integration via API. | v0.17.22 |
NotaCL Note-taking like chat messages | Android | Note taking with multiple chat rooms with different colors. | 1.0.0-beta.2 |
Johnson Lai's Portfolio | pwa | Portfolio Website for Johnson Lai. | 1.0.0-beta.11 |
mempal | website | An app that helps you to remember everything you read and learn. | v0.17.20 |
Agency ยซDay & Nightยป | website | Apartment agency. | v1.0.0-beta |
Kawal Pemilu (PILPRES) | android | Election Guard In Indonesia. | v1.0.0-beta.17 |