A python client for the HuaweiFusionSolar API used to monitor solar power plants. For use of this api there is thus no openAPI account needed, your normal credentials to log in to the web portal should work. This client had 2 main goals:
- being able to retreive realtime statistics and change parameters for use in Home Assistant -> see this integration: https://github.com/janmolemans/huawei_fusionsolar
- being able to retreive historical statistics for plotting and stuff
This client uses the https://region01eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com end point by default. It is
possible to change this using the huawei_subdomain
Please report any bugs!
This file is a markdown export of the readme.ipynb notebook.
jupyter nbconvert readme.ipynb --to markdown
pip install huawei-fusionsolar
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from src.fusion_solar_py.client import FusionSolarClient, LOCAL_TIMEZONE
# from fusion_solar_py.client import FusionSolarClient
import json
# log into the API with proper credentials...
# Read YAML file
ROOT_DIR = "."
import json
with open(f"{ROOT_DIR}/tests/credentials.json", "r") as stream:
cred = json.load(stream)
except FileNotFoundError:
# fill in your credentials here
cred = {"username": "FILL_IN", "password": "FILL_IN", "subdomain": "FILL_IN"}
client = FusionSolarClient(
cred["username"], cred["password"], huawei_subdomain=cred["subdomain"]
plants = client.get_plants()
for plant in plants:
# print(json.dumps(plant.get_plant_flow(), indent=4))
# r= plant.get_plant_stats(return_resp=True)
steenhof huawei
devices = client.get_devices()
import pandas
import datetime
import os
import time
df_dic = {}
for device in devices:
if device.type == "Dongle":
path = f"data/{device.type.replace(' ','_')}.pkl"
if os.path.exists(path):
df_existing = pandas.read_pickle(path)
last_date = (
pandas.to_datetime(df_existing.index.max(), unit="s", utc=True)
df_existing = pandas.DataFrame()
min_ts = 0
df = pandas.DataFrame()
while ts > min_ts:
print(pandas.to_datetime(ts, unit="s", utc=True))
df_temp = device.get_hist_device_stats(query_time=int(ts * 1000))
if (len(df_temp) == 0): # or (i > 5):
df = pandas.concat([df_temp, df])
ts=df_temp.index.min()-12*3600 #nicely in the middle of the previous day
if df_existing is not None:
df = pandas.concat([df_existing, df])
df["start"] = pandas.to_datetime(df.index, unit="s", utc=True).tz_convert(tz=None)
if device.type == "Battery":
for col in ["Charging", "Discharging"]:
cumsum = []
offset = 0
prev_val = 0
for val in df[col]:
if val < prev_val:
# new day
offset = offset + prev_val
cumsum.append(val + offset)
prev_val = val
df[f"{col}_total"] = cumsum
df_dic[device.type] = df.drop_duplicates()
2022-10-22 21:58:58.538546944+00:00
Power Sensor
2022-10-22 21:58:59.275711744+00:00
units = set()
values = []
for device in devices:
for metric in device.get_device_stats().values():
print(metric.name, metric.value, metric.unit)
# values.append(metric.value)
break # uncomment for more prints
# print(device.name, device.type)
# print(json.dumps(device.get_device_stats(), indent=4))
# r= device.get_device_stats(return_resp=True)
# break
PV energy yield power 0.000 kW
Inverter rated power 8.000 kW
Status Normal
import time
import datetime
import pandas
pandas.options.plotting.backend = "plotly"
# query_time=int(pandas.Timestamp.now(tz=LOCAL_TIMEZONE).floor('d').timestamp()*1000)
query_time = int(
pandas.Timestamp(year=2022, month=8, day=1, tz=LOCAL_TIMEZONE)
* 1000
df = plants[0].get_plant_stats(query_time=query_time, time_dim=2)
fig = df.plot()
# fig # uncomment for the interactive plotly figure
# save to static image for use in readme file
img_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png")
from IPython.display import Image