Repository used for bachelor thesis by Jan Pawłowski.
VfsUNet (inspired by VRCNN and UNet) is an architecture for artifact removal on intra predicted frames in HEVC. It is meant as a replacement for DBF and SAO filters. Unlike VRCNN or VRCNN-BN this architecture is able to perform inference on 1280x720 input 30 times per second on a GTX 1060.
This version is tested in domain specific scenarios, meaning that model is trained and tested on clips from one videogame in order to simplify model's task and allow it to be more lightweight.
In order to install required packages run
pip -r install requirements.txt
In order to compress clips ffmpeg
needs to be installed.
To test performance on local machine run
python -m run.performance_benchmark
where example output looks like
cuda version: 10.2
cudnn version: 7605
VFS-UNet: 97.8225175685277 fps
VRCNN: 36.11236779184184 fps
VRCNN-BN: 10.096310399883293 fps
python -m run.reconstruct --model=<path to model> --qp=<qp value like 39> --clip=<path to clip.mp4> --output=<output folder>
for example:
python -m run.reconstruct --model=trained_models/tf2-qp39 --qp=39 --clip=example_data/raw/example_clip.mp4 --output=reconstuction_output
You must provide path to folder, which contains folder named raw
containing high quality .mp4
python -m run.compress_clips --paths <path to folder nr 1> <path to folder nr 2> ...
for example:
python -m run.compress_clips --paths example_data
You must provide path to root directory and folders containing clips that you want to split
python -m run.split_clips --root <path to root folder> --folder <folder nr 1> <foldre nr 2> ...
for example:
python -m run.split_clips --root example_data --folder raw
Training settings are configured in file configs/train_config.yaml
It is required to be logged in to wandb
python -m run.train
Metrics are calculated and plotted in folder notebooks
in form of jupyter notebooks