Tone mapping is an important artistic tool for developers. Graphics Showcase features a Vulkan subpass-based tone mapping solution that is much more performant than traditional techniques.
Graphics Showcase is also available on AppLab as a playable apk.
This project depends on the Oculus fork of UE5 as it requires engine changes not yet upstreamed to Epic. Follow Epic's instructions to get access to the engine repo.
Before you can clone the project, you must install Git Large File Support (LFS). This project uses Git LFS to handle all large assets required locally. Refer to Git LFS installation options for instructions.
git lfs install
Please note that direct download of the project is not currently supported for this repository.
- Clone the UE5 branch of Oculus fork linked above.
- Clone this repo.
- Open command prompt and navigate to your UE5 directory.
- Run: "GenerateProjectFiles.bat <Full path to GraphicsShowcase.uproject> -Game"
- For example: "GenerateProjectFiles.bat D:\Unreal-GraphicsShowcase\GraphicsShowcase.uproject -Game"
- Open GraphicsShowcase.sln in the project directory.
- You should see GraphicsShowcase listed in the solution explorer as the startup project (in bold). If not, Right click and set it as your startup project.
- B - Cycle through effects (Day / Night cycle, Sepia LUT, Reddish LUT)
- A - Toggle tonemap subpass (off / on)
- Right Trigger - Toggle FFR (off / high)
- Right Grip - Toggle MSAA (1/2/4)
- Right Stick Click - Toggle headlock mode on/off for profiling
We updated the project to UE5.3.
The Meta SDK License applies to this project and supporting material.
More Info
Original blog post when this project was released for UE4.
Vulkan Subpasses in UE4 for Performant Tone Mapping on Quest