Lemon's Approved Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
For support join the official Red - Cog Support
server, and find me @inthedark.org
in my support channel #support_seina-cogs
Ensure you have downloader loaded.
[p]load downloader
to your Red instance.
[p]repo add Seina-Cogs https://github.com/japandotorg/Seina-Cogs
Install cog(s) from
in your Red instance
[p]cog install Seina-Cogs <CogName>
Load the cog(s).
[p]load CogName
is your prefix.
Name | Status/Version | Description (Click to see full status) |
AFK | 0.1.1 | Away From Keyboard A cog for being afk and responding when idiots ping you |
Info | 0.1.0 | Extended info commands. |
Tags | 2.7.9 | Create and use Tags Create and use custom commands with tagscript |
SeinaTools | 0.1.4 | My tools for Red-DiscordBotSome cool utility tools for Red-DiscordBot |
BattleRoyale | 0.1.2 | Play battle royalePlay battle royale with your friends or join automated matches |
PersonalChannels | 0.1.1 | Personal channel for membersPersonal channel for members |
ExtendedMentionHelp | 0.1.0 | Customizable Mention Help Message (Supports TagScript).Set a custom message to be sent on bot mention (Supports TagScript). |
NoDMs | 0.1.0 | Restrict messages and/or commands in DMsRestrict messages or any commands in DMs from others, with various configuration settings. |
DiscordPolls | 0.1.0 | Manage And Log Builtin Discord Polls.Manage and also configure logging for the builtin Discord Polls. |
FirstMessage | 0.1.0 | First MessageA simple cog for jump to first message of a channel. |
Animals | 0.1.2 | Random animals!Random animal images & facts |
MassUnban | 0.1.1 | Mass unban users.Mass unban users by the ban reason used |
AntiLinks | 0.1.1 | No links allowed.Removes all links in specified channels, with the ability to whitelist roles. |
StatusRole | 0.1.0 | Assign roles on custom status.Assign roles to users for the duration in which they have certain custom statuses |
ConversationGames | 0.2.5 | Conversation games for membersConversation games for members |
Captcha | 0.1.0 | Captcha verification systemCaptcha verification system |
RoleUtils | 1.4.0 | Reaction roles, massroling, & role targetingReaction roles, massrolin & role targeting |
Lock | 1.1.5 | Lock channelsLock channels or the whole server |
DisboardReminder | 1.3.7 | Set a reminder to bump on disboardSet a reminder to bump on disboard |
Purge | 0.1.3 | Advanced Purge/Cleanup.Purge (deleted) messages that meet a criteria. |
FreeloaderMode | 0.1.0 | Ban users that leave your server right after an event or something.Ban freeloaders who leave your server right after an event or something. |
ErrorHandler | 0.1.0 | Allow custom error message.Adds ability to replace the output of the bots error handler when CommandInvokeError is raised, all other errors get handled by the old handler. |
VoiceNoteLog | 0.1.0 | Log the voice note sent by your server members.Log voice notes sent by your server members. |
Activities | 0.1.0 | Discord Voice Channel Activities.Discord Voice Channel Activities. |
StableDiffusion | 0.1.0 | Stable Diffusion using the Replicate API.Stable Diffusion using the Replicate API. |
ModManager | 0.1.0 | Force ban/kick users.Force ban/kick users so that they stay in the ban/kick list even if someone tries to manually unban them. |
AutoDelete | 0.1.0 | Auto delete messages in specific channels with fancy html logging.Auto delete messages in specific channels with fancy html logging. |
BoostUtils | 0.1.1 | Booster Utilities. (WIP)Various nitro boosting utilities. (WORK IN PROGRESS) |
AutoReact | 0.1.0 | Create automatic reactions for specific triggers or events.Create automatic reactions for specific triggers or events. |
Screenshot | 0.1.0 | Take web page screenshots with your bot without compromising privacy of your machine.Take web page screenshots with your bot without compromising privacy of your machine. This ia a high level cog with higher usage than usual do not install it if you don't have sufficient ram and storage. |
Lottery | 0.1.0 | Make and host lotteries in your server. (a re-creation of RaffleBot#8827)Make and host lotteries in your server. (this is a true re-creation of theRaffleBot#8827 discord bot!) |
Thank you to everyone in the official red server for always being nice and helpful